What are the challenges we face while quitting smoking?


There are innumerable risks of smoking. Every smoker and non-smoker knows it. Smoking is one of the leading reasons for deaths around the world. It causes fatal and many times life-threatening health conditions that cannot be upturned. The chemicals present in tobacco damage almost every body function and destroy your senses. Therefore, it is always a good thought to stop smoking.

Some of the hazardous effects of smoking are as follows-

Heart diseases

Smoking can harm the blood vessels, heart, and blood cells. Tobacco comprises harmful chemicals and tar, which makes you prone to atherosclerosis. It is a condition that occurs when the protein gets clogged into the blood vessel and leads to critical blockages. It restricts the blood flow to the different parts of the body.

Moreover, smoking also elevates the risk of-

  • Chest pain
  • Peripheral artery disease (PAD)
  • Heart attack
  • Blood clot
  • Stroke
  • Weak immune system

Smoking makes people more prone to diseases and illness by weakening the immune system. Moreover, it also causes swelling in the body.

Deprived oral health

People who smoke regularly have the possibility of developing gum diseases. Following symptoms may indicate that you have such diseases-

  • Loose teeth
  • Swollen gums
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Bleeding when you brush your teeth

Tobacco can also make your teeth yellow and causes stinking. Moreover, you are at risk of having mouth cancer if you smoke.

Other cancers

Smoking is good by no means. Therefore, you should stop smoking today. Though the journey can be tough, it is not unattainable. In addition to mouth cancer, smoking can lead to various other cancers such as-

  • Cervical cancer
  • Laryngeal cancer
  • Oesophageal cancer
  • Colon cancer
  • Liver and kidney cancer
  • Throat cancer
  • Lung diseases

Smoking harms the lungs badly. It not only hams its functioning but also elevates the risk of having lung cancer.

Pregnancy complications

Smoking can harm a woman bearing a baby and foetus in several and severe ways. Some of them are as follows-

  • Preterm delivery
  • Congenital deformities
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Low birth weight
  • Sudden infant death syndrome
  • Fertility issues

Smoking can lead to fertility issues in both men and women. The chemicals make it difficult to conceive. However, men can face erection problems and ejaculatory issues due to smoking.

  • Vision problems

People who smoke are more likely to have vision issues, including macular degeneration. Other problems, which may occur, are as follows-

  • Glaucoma
  • Dry eyes
  • Diabetic retinopathy
  • Hair loss and unhealthy skin

Smoking can cause hair loss and baldness. Moreover, tobacco chemicals can cause premature wrinkles and increase the risk of mouth and lip cancer.

Stop smoking before you regret your habit. Most of the diseases caused by smoking are irreversible. Therefore, reach out to your healthcare provider and consult the ways to give up smoking. Moreover, you can also do exercises, make time for your hobbies, and spend time with family, friends, and loved ones to overcome nicotine cravings. Not only active smoke but passive smoking also harms people who inhale it.

Some of the common effects are-

  • High blood pressure
  • Reducing the level of good cholesterol
  • Makes asthma more critical
  • Harms your heart
  • Ear infection

What are the challenges we face while quitting smoking?

When you try to quit smoking, several challenges may stand before you to hinder your decision. Many people who smoke face nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms when they try to stop smoking. However, you should know that these hurdles are temporary.

Once you accomplish your goal, you will feel proud of your decision lifetime. It is because quitting will not only help you but also protect your family members and loved ones from the threat of passive smoking. Therefore, if you smoke, take a minute and think about what you are doing to your life. 

Smokers may face the following challenges while they try to give up the habit of smoking-


You may feel stressed if you do not take nicotine, which you were used to. Stress is also one of the triggers of smoking. Therefore, consult with your doctor for ways to reduce your stress. You can also do exercises, spend time with family or friends, make time for your hobbies, or revive your interests for stress management. Moreover, you can also try yoga or consider aromatherapy for the same purpose.

Weight gain and hunger

Weight gain is one of the common withdrawal symptoms when you stop smoking. You may also feel having an increased appetite after you quit. Consult with your doctor for ways that can help reduce unnecessary weight and bring back your active metabolism.


Stress, alcohol, and seeing other people smoking can develop nicotine cravings in you. Healthcare providers suggest not to drink alcohol while you are trying to quit and stay away from people who smoke regularly or even on occasions. 

Withdrawal symptoms

Nicotine cravings will bring you troublesome symptoms. They may be disgusting. However, you can avoid and deal with them in certain ways. Firstly, let us know the withdrawal symptoms-

  • Irritability
  • Fatigue
  • Flu-like pain
  • Chest tightness
  • Headache
  • Cough
  • Sleep problems
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Sore throat

Eating fruits and vegetables, doing exercises, making time for your hobbies like sketching, dancing, or playing video games can help deal with the withdrawal symptoms. These are some of the challenges and the ways to deal with and defeat them. Moreover, you can also consult with your doctor for more ways that can help you stop smoking. 

What should I do if I need assistance for quitting smoking?

If you are a smoker, quitting may be hard. However, it is not impossible. Nicotine cravings may hit people very hard when you try to stop smoking. However, remember it will only stay for 5-10 minutes. Stay patient and courageous; every time you beat your cravings, you are one step closer to your aim. 

There may be times when you need assistance to quit. Motivation may help you stay on your path. Consult with your healthcare provider for ways that can help you stay motivated through the journey. However, following things can help-

Delay your cravings

Smokers may develop nicotine cravings when they try to quit. However, if you feel like falling into the trap, make yourself understand to stay patient for 10 or 15 minutes. These cravings may fade away after this duration, and you will feel relaxed. Try to remain in a smoke-free area to avoid cravings.

Get moving

Exercises can help you to get diverted from the nicotine cravings. Do regular exercise when you are trying to stop smoking. Moreover, physical activities trigger endorphins, the good feeling hormone, which will make you feel better. Low-intensity exercises like running, walking, or jogging may be sufficient when you begin with the workouts. However, if you cannot go outside the home, you can try squats, lunges, and push-ups. 

Keep reminding yourself of the benefits

There are uncountable benefits of quitting. Keep reminding yourself the same. You can also choose one of them as your major reason to give up the habit of smoking. They can be the following-

  • Better health
  • Saving money
  • Protecting family and loved ones from the threat of passive smoking
  • Feeling better
  • Try nicotine replacement therapy

Nicotine replacement therapy or NRT deals with providing nicotine devoid of tobacco. It includes using nasal sprays, gums, inhalers, or patches. Your doctor may tell you how to use them for best results. Remember, you are trying to quit nicotine, not only tobacco.

Chew something

Whenever you develop nicotine cravings, give your mouth something to chew. It may be raw carrots, hard candies, sunflower seeds, sugarless gum, or celery nuts.

Try relaxation practices

To stop smoking, try relaxation practices like yoga or meditation. You can also do deep breathing exercises, mindfulness, and listen to music to improve your senses. 

Avoid the triggers

Stay away from people who are regular smokers. Moreover, do not drink alcohol while you are trying to quit. Alcohol can trigger nicotine cravings. 

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