What are menstrual cramps and What causes menstrual cramps?

Menstrual cramps are severe pain and discomfort that takes place before or during the period. Many women experience them a week or month before they have their first period. They generally stay until the birth of a child. However, some women go through menstrual cramps every period. They are caused because of contraction in the muscles of the uterus or womb. If the muscles contract very stoutly during your period, it can result in pressing the surrounding blood vessels. It may limit or block the oxygen supply to the uterus. The absence of appropriate oxygen in the uterus causes throbbing pain and menstrual cramping.

Certain medications may help ease your pain. You can consider buying ibuprofen online from the Daily Chemist online pharmacy. For this, you just have to fill out a consultation form. You can also take an online doctor consultation from the online pharmacy while getting the medication.

However, there can be other causes of menstrual cramps. They may include the following-

  • Fibroids

Fibroids are tumors that develop in or on the uterus of a woman. They are generally noncancerous. However, sometimes they become large and cause heavy bleeding. Fibroids are also called leiomyomas, uterine myomas, myomas, and fibromas.

  • Pelvic inflammatory disease

It is a bacterial infection that occurs in the uterus and extends to other reproduction organs.

  • Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a condition, in which the lining of the uterus (endometrium) develops outside the uterus.

  • Adenomyosis

It is a medical condition in which the uterine layer grows into the surrounding muscles.

  • Cervical stenosis

Cervical stenosis is the shrinking of the subordinate part of the uterus. It is generally caused by less production of estrogens during and after menopause.

Your doctor diagnoses you with these conditions. Accordingly, he or she may prescribe other treatment methods for the cure of menstrual cramps. Ibuprofen may not work in these medical conditions. Take your doctor’s opinion before buying ibuprofen online or getting it from a medical store. In addition, certain things can trigger menstrual cramps. The following conditions may increase the risk of having cramps during your period-

  • Having an irregular period (metrorrhagia)
  • Smoking
  • If you are under the age of 30
  • Having a family history of menstrual cramps
  • Heavy bleeding during the period (menorrhagia)
  • If you had your period before puberty or at the age of 11

You can avoid risk factors like smoking to relieve the period cramps. Moreover, risk factors like; age, irregular bleeding, heavy bleeding, family history of period cramps, and early menstruation can be managed and dealt with medications like ibuprofen. You should consult with your doctor if you have these risk factors and experience menstrual cramps. He or she may prescribe buying ibuprofen online or offline or recommend other treatment methods for helping you get rid of the problem.


For online doctor consultation for menstrual cramps and its causes, visit the Daily Chemist web page, and get medical guidance from experts. 

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