What is the fastest way to get rid of acid reflux?

acid reflux

Acid reflux is a health condition, which occurs when the acid produced in the stomach drips off into the food pipe. It shows symptoms such as sore throat, heartburn, dry cough, nausea, and bloody vomit. Experiencing chest pain can be usual. However, if you go through the symptoms of heartburn and sore throat two or more times a week, it’s high time to consult your doctor. He or she may diagnose your condition and help in your healing accordingly. 

Experiencing sore throat and stinging sensations in the chest can be rough and problematic. If you have acid reflux, you may look for quick and fast ways to get rid of the condition. There are certain ways to deal with heartburn. However, consult with your doctor if you experience sore throat and pain in the middle of the chest very often. It can be acid reflux or even gastrointestinal oesophagus reflux disease (GERD). GERD is a critical condition of acid reflux in which the symptoms become severe, and people are prone to complications.

GERD treatment is possible through various means, including medications, dietary changes, lifestyle adjustments, and surgeries. Oops! We should not forget the role of home remedies in overcoming any health problem. Home remedies are an effective option for healing health issues that too without showing any side effects. 

Early identification can help in better managing your symptoms and treating the problem. Some of the quickest ways for relieving heartburn are as follows-

Avoid lying down

If you experience developing heartburn, avoid lying down. Instead, stand up erect to ease your condition. The lower oesophagus sphincter (LES) is the stomach valve that prevents the stomach acid from reaching the food pipe. When you lie down, it becomes easy for the acid to reach the oesophagus and cause acid reflux. When you stand, the possibility may decrease.

Try baking soda

Baking soda can neutralize stomach acid and help relieve heartburn. Mix a teaspoon of baking soda into a glass of water and take its sip slowly. It is one of the effective and quick home remedies for GERD.

Have apple cider vinegar

Using apple cider vinegar can ease reflux. diseases You can take it after your meal. However, remember to dilute it with water and drink after eating your food.

Take your medications

There is a variety of medications used for acid reflux treatment. They may include prescription medicines and over-the-counter drugs. Some of the commonly used medications for heartburn are-

  • H2 blockers
  • Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs)
  • Antacids

Proton pump inhibitors and H2 blockers reduce the amount of acid produced by the stomach. However, antacids bring relief by neutralizing stomach acid.

Try ginger

Ginger is another well-working home remedy for heartburn. It can also help with nausea.
You can add diced or grated ginger core to a stir-fry ingredient, soup, or other foodstuffs. Moreover, raw or dried ginger can also be used for making ginger tea. Teabags of ginger can also be considered to use in boiling water.

Chew gums

Go back to the days of your childhood, and bring back the habit of chewing gums again if you have acid reflux. When you chew gums, it leads to the production of more saliva. Swallowing the saliva may wipe out the acid from the oesophagus.


Bananas are very helpful in preventing gastrointestinal diseases. It contains a low amount of acid, and its vitamin can assist in putting off reflux diseases. 

If you haven’t tried eating bananas for the purpose of easing off GERD symptoms, trying it won’t hurt. 

Aloe vera juice

Aloe vera juice can serve multi-functions. It is known for its soothing properties. The juice of aloe vera leaves can help reduce heartburn. 

Although no study clarifies that it helps with acid reflux, trying it won’t harm you. Moreover, always get it from a reliable source so that you use genuine and pure stuff. 


Peppermint calms down the stomach. Many people may feel relaxed after using it. However, it may elevate the risk of acid reflux symptoms in some people. So, look in which category you fall before using peppermint. 

However, you can try it for an experiment. Take a sip of tea and use a peppermint tablet afterward. If it relieves heartburn symptoms, it’s good. However, if it worsens your condition, you can use ginger to ease the symptoms. 


Ginger is a wonderful treatment for heartburn. It helps ease gastrointestinal irritation, decreases inflammation and the probability of the dripping of stomach acid in the oesophagus. 
These home remedies can effectively help to relieve heartburn and other symptoms of reflux diseases. However, you can talk with your healthcare provider for more remedies you can try at home. 

These are some of the home remedies, which can bring quick relief from acid reflux. Nevertheless, you can consult with your healthcare provider for more home treatments or other healing procedures for your treatment.

What are the helpful medications? 

Doctors also prescribe medications falling under the drug class of proton pump inhibitors, antacids, and H2 blockers for your healing.  

Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs)

These medications reduce stomach acid and help alleviate the symptoms of acid reflux. Proton pump inhibitors can prevent reflux diseases. Common drugs recommended under the drug class are-


Antacids counterbalance stomach acid. It ultimately relieves the symptoms such as heartburn and nausea. Most suggested antacids are-

  • Gaviscon
  • Alternagel
  • Alka seltzer
  • Bismol
  • Gelusil 
H2 blockers

Also known as H2 antagonists, H2 blockers work like proton pump inhibitors. They decrease the level of acid in the stomach. However, these medications don’t work on preventing heartburn. Healthcare providers generally recommended the following H2 blockers-

  • Famotidine (Pepcid AC)
  • Nizatidine (Axid)
  • Cimetidine (Tagamet HB) 

You should always consult with your doctor before using any remedy for reflux diseases. Other than medications and home remedies, surgery is another option for gastrointestinal oesophagus reflux diseases (GERD). It is a severe condition of acid reflux. People having GERD have critical symptoms and are prone to complexities. 


There is a range of surgeries available for reflux diseases. You and your doctor may decide the best operation for you while considering your health condition and personal preference. However, some surgeries are-


Fundoplication is the regular GERD operation. Under this procedure, the stomach valve (LES) is provided with potency and made firm. Further, the upper part of the stomach is folded on the external part of the LES, which gives strength to the lower oesophagus sphincter.  

Transoral Incisionless Fundoplication (TIF)

Doctors recommend Transoral incisionless fundoplication when fundoplication is inappropriate. TIF deals with setting up a barrier between the stomach and the oesophagus, which puts off the dripping of stomach acid in the food pipe. 

Linx surgery

Linux surgery deals with draping a ring made with little magnetic titanium particles (Linux) around the stomach valve. It provides potency to the lower oesophagus sphincter. 

In addition to these operations, Stretta surgery and Bard EndoCinch System are other forms of surgery for acid reflux.  The criteria to select the type of surgery are the recovery time and the potential side effects associated with the operation. 

Can lifestyle shifts help relieve heartburn? 

Undoubtedly, style of living has a great impact on your health. If you change your lifestyle, which is helpful for reflux diseases, you may recover quickly and prevent future complications. Your doctor may tell you the essential lifestyle shifts. However, the following are some effective lifestyle adjustments for acid reflux-

  • Avoid overeating
  • Manage your weight
  • Cut off high carbs from your diet
  • Limit alcohol consumption
  • Have coffee in a limited and beneficial amount
  • Avoid onion, mint, carbonated beverages, and citrus fruit juices
  • Do not eat anything before going to bed at least for 2-3 hours
  • Put on loose and comfy clothes
  • Quit smoking

Making a healthy change in your lifestyle, using medications, and trying home remedies can help successful results in managing acid reflux. For more information about medications, home remedies, or lifestyle shifts, reach out to your doctor. 

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