How to combat different types of asthma? What are the natural cures?


Asthma is a respiratory infection, which causes bronchial tubes to get inflamed. It makes breathing difficult, as the lungs do not get the necessary oxygen. There are different types of asthma, and they can be triggered by diverse factors. In most cases, this respiratory infection is a lifelong disease that cannot be cured; however, it can be managed with medications, Ventolin inhaler, or other types of inhalers, making dietary changes, and avoiding the triggers.

Let’s learn about the different types of asthma and the ways to combat them.

Seasonal asthma

In this type of asthma, symptoms occur at a particular point in the year or in certain conditions. The following seasons may become a risk for people having seasonal asthma-

  • The period when air pollution is worse, such as cold days
  • Hay fever season
  • Winter season when viruses or cold are common
  • Sudden shifts in temperature

Your doctor may prescribe using medications during the season to prevent asthma attacks. However, along with taking medicines, you can do the following-

  • Cover your mouth and nose with a scarf so that the air becomes warm that reaches your lungs
  • Write or record other seasonal factors that caused you the symptoms
  • Consider the local weather reports so that you get to know about the outside weather and plan your visits accordingly
  • Keep your medications near you to relieve your condition in emergency cases
  • Shut the doors and windows in the home, or whenever you travel in a car

Allergic asthma

People having allergic asthma experience their symptoms when they are exposed to certain allergens. They may vary from person to person. However, the most common are-

  • Cockroaches and dust mines
  • Pollen
  • Perfumes
  • Foods such as eggs, nuts, and milk
  • Tobacco smoke or industrial chemicals
  • Pet dander

Using a Ventolin inhaler, a rescue inhaler can help ease the symptoms during an asthma attack. The other precautions you need to take are-

  • Cut off tree nuts, milk, peanuts, eggs, and shellfish from your diet
  • Clean your home regularly to remove cockroach allergens, dust mines, and pet dander
  • Avoid using heavily fragranced are chemical products at home
  • Keep your pets outside your bedroom
  • Avoid being exposed to pollen

Non-allergic asthma

This type of respiratory infection is not triggered by a factor or allergen. Healthcare experts say that non-allergic asthma may be a result of environmental and genetic factors.

People having this disease may develop symptoms when they come in contact with-

  • Pollution
  • Respiratory infections like flu, common cold, or sinus infection
  • Humidity
  • Cold
  • Exercise
  • Tobacco smoke
  • Stress

It may take a considerable time to recognize what is causing non-allergic asthma. Nevertheless, keep taking the medications and asthma inhalers your doctor has prescribed to manage your symptoms and prevent worsening the condition.

Exercise-induced asthma

In this type of respiratory infection, people develop symptoms like chest tightness, wheezing, or shortness of breath when they do rigorous exercises.

  • Doing the following workouts can induce your symptoms
  • Ice skating or playing hockey in a dry and humid climate
  • Swimming in chlorinated pools
  • Experiencing hot air while doing yoga
  • Cycling or running in polluted areas

Doctors often prescribe medications to control asthma symptoms. However, the following tips can also help prevent worsening your condition-

  • Keep Ventolin inhaler with you wherever you go and use it to calm down your symptoms if you happen to develop them
  • Warm-up before you begin the workout it will make your lung function better
  • Do not do any workout that can make you out of breath
  • Cover your nose and mouth with a scarf when you are doing a workout outside your home

Occupational asthma

People having occupational asthma experience their symptoms getting worse when they are exposed to triggers like dust, industrial chemicals, and insecticides. However, their symptoms may ease off when the exposure fades away. 

If you work in a place where these triggers are a part of your work, cover your mouth and nose with a scarf to avoid the triggers. For more information, consult with your doctor. 

What are the natural ways to cure asthma?

There is no way to cure asthma. However, medications, inhalers, and some natural remedies can help manage your symptoms. Natural treatments may include stress management, making dietary changes, avoiding the triggers, and breathing exercises.

Your doctor may suggest taking your medications, using a Ventolin inhaler while trying the home remedies. You can consult with your doctor for the same concern. However, some of the effective and well-working natural ways to manage asthma symptoms are as follows-


Your doctor may tell you what to add or eliminate from your diet to support your treatment. The foodstuffs you need to add to your diet are-

  • Apples
  • Banana
  • Magnesium-rich food like pumpkin, dark chocolate, spinach, and salmon
  • Foods having a good proportion of Vitamin D, such as eggs, salmon, and milk
  • Vitamin A-rich foods like carrots, sweet potatoes, and green and leafy vegetables
Following are the foods you should avoid for asthma-
  • Foods containing salicylates like spices, certain herbs, and coffee
  • Gas causing foods such as beans, onions, carbonated drinks, and fried foods
  • Foods that cause allergies, like tree nuts, shellfish, and dairy products       

Caffeine can help unblock your airways. Many pieces of research show that people who have asthma can be relieved from airway inflammation if they use caffeine.

Manage your weight

Obesity is a risk factor for asthma. The exact cause that results in asthma due to obesity is not clear. However, it has consequences like impaired lung functioning. You can consult with your doctor about how you can manage your weight if you have a lung infection. However, taking a supportive diet and doing exercises can lend you a hand. You can choose walking as one of the exercises.

As exercises can worsen asthma symptoms, be careful before you do heavy workouts. If you happen to develop asthma symptoms, use your Ventolin inhaler to relieve yourself. 


Garlic contains anti-inflammatory properties and several other health benefits. As asthma is an inflammatory disease, garlic can help ease the symptoms.


Yoga can make your lung function better. Moreover, it can also help reduce stress.


Honey can relieve the scorching throat caused by a common cold or other viral infections. You can use honey to ease off coughing. Mix honey in hot water and drink it if your asthma symptoms become critical. 


Mindfulness is a kind of meditation that aims to pay attention to your body and mind. You can do it anywhere. Find a quiet place to sit and focus on your thoughts, feelings, and the sensations of your body. It also brings stress-relieving benefits, which can support your treatment.

In addition, breathing exercises like the Papworth method and Buteyko method can help prevent shortness of breath. 

These are some of the natural ways to manage asthma symptoms. In addition to them, your doctor may suggest taking medications on time, using Ventolin inhaler, and staying away from triggers. You can consult with your doctor for more information. 

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