What is a Pap test: What are the benefits and how to do it?

Pap test

A Pap test detects cancer of the cervix. It is an area between the vagina and the uterus. Sometimes, a Pap test may also rule out STIs like HPV. Specialists and doctors at the online pharmacy say that a pap test is not a specific test that detects HPV. However, it can also identify STIs.            

How do doctors perform a Pap test?

Your doctor may take a sample of your cervix. Then he or she sends it to the laboratory for diagnosis. The specialist tries to look for an abnormality that can potentially be caused by human papillomavirus. Some people may feel uneasy during the procedure. However, doctors take care of the patient while taking out a sample.

How does HPV harm the cervix cells?

If human papillomavirus has found a place in your cervix, it can hinder the functioning of the normal cells. Moreover, it can also lead to the formation of precancerous cells. Specialists and doctors at the online pharmacy say that a test can identify the presence of these atypical cells. You should go for a diagnosis through a test if you are an adult. Doctors generally recommend the test if you are 21 years of age or above.

An additional pap test (colposcopy) is prescribed for the people who are tested positive for HPV in the earlier Pap test. Under this procedure, your doctor may use a magnifying glass to look into your cervix in detail. Colposcopy also assists your doctor to take out a part of the suspected area from your cervix (biopsy). Some people may feel slight pain and discomfort during the process.

Who is eligible for a pap test?

If you are 21 years of age, you should go for a test. It may be helpful in the detection of STIs. Specialists and doctors at the online pharmacy say that the regularity of the test may rely upon your health conditions. It is significant to understand that a Pap smear test is not a specific test for the detection of HPV. However, it can detect the presence of human papillomavirus in the cervix. You should take the opinion of your doctor for the diagnosis procedures and further treatment. 


You can also look for an online doctor consultation for a test. For this, you can visit the web page of Daily Chemist online pharmacy. Moreover, you can also request medical guidance from experts.

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