What is malaria treatment and How can I prevent malaria?

Malaria Treatment, Malaria is a blood-borne disease. It can sometimes turn life-threatening. The female anopheles mosquito spread this disease. Once the mosquito bites you, the parasites reside in your liver. They aim to destroy your red blood cells (RBCs). An early diagnosis can help in the successful treatment of the disease. Nevertheless, certain malaria prevention can assist in avoiding the damage of red blood cells. Some of the preventions against the disease are as follows-

Keep yourself away from risk

If you are going to travel to places prone or even non-prone to malaria, ask your healthcare provider for some set of prevention. Moreover, it is advisable to stay at a clean and dry place. 

  • Make use of insect repulsive cream or spray
  • Close all the doors and windows 
  • Wear trousers instead of shorts and a shirt with full sleeves than T-shirts
  • Sleep under an undamaged mosquito net
Medication to reduce the risk 

There is no vaccine for malaria prevention yet. Nevertheless, you should consult with your doctor for medications that may help in reducing the risk of disease. They are quite effective. Moreover, ask him or her for a suitable dosage. Healthcare providers prescribe taking it until one month after you return from your home. 

Seek medical help

Reach out to a doctor if you fall ill while traveling. Malaria can become poor very rapidly. Therefore, it is advisable not to ignore the signs and symptoms. Moreover, if you experience the signs and symptoms after you return home, reach out to your healthcare provider. He or she may diagnose your condition and prescribe suitable medications accordingly. The symptoms may include-

For more prevention and measures for malaria, consult with your doctor. 

You can also seek online doctor consultation for malaria. Visit the Daily Chemist web page for any queries. Moreover, you can also request medical guidance from experts. 

You can buy medication for malaria treatment from Daily Chemist. 

Malarone 250 mg/100 mg


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