Why aren’t you able to lose weight? Here are some reasons…

weight loss

Weight loss is not a simple and easily attainable purpose. People do their best in the workouts, eat less, use a fat burner, and keep themselves away from their favourite foods to shed calories. It may be disappointing to see if you gain nothing out of your efforts and your weight scale still indicates the same. However, there can be various causes responsible for this case. Consult with your healthcare provider if you are trying hard but are unable to lose extra pounds. He or she may rule out the possible cause and help you deal with your condition.

Some common Reasons

Certain conditions

Some diseases or conditions result in weight gain and cause trouble when you try to shed calories. They may include-

  • Hypothyroidism

It is a condition when the thyroid gland produces fewer hormones than needed by your body, which can hinder burning the accumulated fat. As a result, your metabolism becomes impeded, and the body stock up more fat than it flame it. It may hinder weight loss. 

  • Depression

Depression has become a very common mental health issue. All age people can develop this disorder and many of them may end up eating in bulk in order to relieve their stress and loneliness.

  • Chronic stress

Anxiety, stress, and sorrow can trigger the cortisol hormone, which elicits the body to accumulate fat, particularly around the waist. It can add more to your body mass and causes serious health issues over the course of time.

  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

It is a medical disease, which causes the formation of cysts over the ovaries. This may lead to cause certain complications such as irregular periods, thinning hair, too much hair on the face, difficulty in getting pregnant, and weight gain.

Consult with your doctor if you have PCOS or if not, experiencing the pre-mentioned symptoms can reflect you have the disease. Talk to your doctor if using weight loss pills in such a condition can be ok.

Hormonal changes

Hormonal changes in women during puberty, pregnancy, childbirth, or menopause can lead to weight gain.

Cushing’s syndrome

It takes place when the adrenal gland that is located just above each kidney makes excessive cortisol. It leads to the accumulation of fat in your body in the waist, upper back, and face.

Certain medications

In addition to the medical conditions, certain medications can add up to your body mass. Taking the following medicines can lead to putting on extra pounds

  • Antidepressants such as imipramine (Norpramin), amitriptyline (Elavil), or trazodone (Desyrel)
    Corticosteroids for lupus and asthma
  • Sulfonylureas for type 2 diabetes
  • Beta-blockers for heart diseases and hypertension
  • Antiepileptic for seizures

Moreover, using birth control pills and undergoing hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can also hinder weight loss. Drinking alcohol can cause the same concern.

The cause for weight gain is sometimes unknown. Talk to your doctor if you are trying day and night to manage your weight but are unable to do so. He or she may rule out the cause and help get over your problem. Also, ask him or her if you can use a fat burner when having any medical condition.

Does a fat burner help people lose weight?

Obesity is a risk factor for several health conditions, and most of them are chronic and long-lasting. High blood pressure, heart diseases, asthma, period delay (women), and erectile dysfunction (men) are some of them. Healthcare providers always insist on maintaining an ideal weight to lead a healthy life. Many people suffer from excessive body mass, and it is common among every age group. You can consult with your doctor for helpful ways to shed calories. A fat burner, a supportive diet, and some preventions can help you achieve your aim. 

How effective are medications for fat?

Medicines for weight loss are quite effective in losing weight. However, you should always consult with your healthcare provider before using them. Several kinds of medicines claim to get you a standard weight.

However, check out the leaflet and talk to your health care provider to know which will work the best for you.
Orlistat or Xenical is one of the most effective medicines to lose weight. Moreover, it also prevents weight gain in the future. 

How does Orlistat work? 

The fat present in the foods or drinks is split into pieces before the body absorbs it. Orlistat combats the enzyme, which cuts down fats in your meal. This undigested is released from the body through stools or faeces.

Xenical/Orlistat 120mg

Are there any side effects of taking these pills?

There can be some side effects of Xenical. It is advised to consult with your doctor for the potential benefits and risks of the medication. The possible after-effects of Orlistat can be as follows-

  • Dark urine
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Pain during urination
  • Abdominal pain
  • Back pain

Talk to your doctor if any of these side effects trouble you. He or she may adjust your dosage or suggest an alternative. 

Can everyone take a fat burner or medication? 

Although Xenical is an effective medicine for weight loss, it may not suit the health condition of every person. Consult with your healthcare provider before you take this medicine. He or she may tell you if it will suit your health. However, avoid using Orlistat if you have a history of any of the following diseases-

  • HIV infection
  • Kidney diseases
  • Eating disorders
  • Seizures
  • Hypothyroidism

What are the other ways to shed calories? 

Along with taking a fat burner or medicine doing regular exercises and taking a supportive diet can play a crucial role in managing your weight. 

Avoid taking high-calorie foods and drinks while you are working to shed calories. Taking high-calorie things like smoothies, dried fruits, flavoured coffee, protein bars, alcohol, soda, and sports drinks can add extra pounds to your body, and all your efforts will end in vain. 

What foods and exercises can help with weight loss?

There are many ways to lose body fat. What matters is which method suits you and your health condition. Like people with health conditions, such as asthma cannot do heavy exercises, and some people cannot use a fat burner or medicine due to some factors, like pregnancy and breastfeeding. Losing weight if you are obese is always a wise and nice option.

Obesity can increase the risk of several health conditions, and some of them are chronic and persistent, like heart diseases, high blood pressure, and asthma. You can consult with your healthcare provider for ways to shed extra pounds. He or she may tell you the best suitable methods while keeping your health condition in mind.

Following are some of the effective ways to reduce extra body mass-

Take supportive diet

Some of the foods are excellent in reducing weight and making you feel less hungry. Consult your doctor for such foodstuffs. However, you can also consider the following-


These fruits have a good proportion of healthy fats and fibre. Moreover, avocados can provide you essential nutrients that may help with weight loss.


Nuts are rich in protein and fibre. Moreover, they comprise healthy fats and necessary nutrients, which can help shed unnecessary calories.


Eggs are an excellent choice if you are trying to lose weight. They have a good proportion of essential nutrients and have minimal impact on insulin and blood sugar.

In addition, you can also consider eating berries and oatmeal for weight management. 


Exercise does not only help you to stay fit and healthy, but it also lends you a hand in shedding extra pounds. Even if you cannot do heavy exercises, you can do walking, jogging, or cycling. Other helpful workouts are lunges, squats, yoga, and planks. 

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