Alopecia: What are the ways to defeat the condition?


Alopecia is an ordinary problem. It can become worse with growing age. Hair loss or alopecia is a condition that causes thinning of hairs and stops the growth of new hairs. An effective treatment can help ease your problem and trigger hair growth. Although there are various causes of baldness, aging is the most common and natural one. Other reasons may include the following-• Healing procedures for certain health issues. Undergoing the treatments of health problems such as hypertension, cancer, arthritis, and depression can lead to loss of hair.


As discussed above, aging is the most common reason for baldness. Men are more prone to suffer from hairlessness with growing age than women are.

Family history

Genetics can play a vital role in your hair health. If one or both of your parents have a history of alopecia, you are also probable to face the condition.


Using medications for some medical problems can cause hair falls and lead to thinning of hairs with time. These drugs may include lithium, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and methotrexate.


Tight hairstyles exert pressure on your scalp and make the hair follicles weak. If you continue to make such hairstyles, you may face hairlessness. Avoid tight ponytails, bun, braids, and wet hair updos if you are already facing hair falls.


Emotional stress can contribute to alopecia. It makes the hair follicles go into the resting stage, which leads to the falling of hairs. You may also miss the growth of new hairs when you are under high and persistent stress.
Hairlessness associated with stress is usually temporary. However, you may experience the revival of good hair health after you overcome the period.

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Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)

Undergoing HRT can become the cause of hair loss in women. The level of estrogen is increased under hormone replacement therapy. The amplified intensity of the hormone can affect your hair growth.

Heat sources

Making use of heat sources like straighteners and curlers can make your hair follicles weak and lead to baldness with time. Avoiding their frequent use can help in your alopecia treatment.

Thyroid conditions

If you have an underactive or overactive thyroid, you may suffer from hairlessness. Lessor excessive production of thyroid hormones can affect hair health.

What are the types of hair loss?

There are certain types of hair falls, which have different causes. Genetic factors, immune disorders, or mental health issues cause some of them.

Male pattern baldness

Male pattern baldness is a type of hair condition, which is caused because of genetics. It is common in men around 50 years of age and affects the top and middle sections of your scalp. Another name for this condition is male androgenic alopecia.

Alopecia areata

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease, which leads to unexpected thinning of hairs. It can cause complete hair loss in your scalp called alopecia totalis. Moreover, in rare cases, it can cause loss of hair from the entire body called alopecia Universalis.


This type of hair condition is a psychological disorder, which makes a person drag out his or her own hair. Children are more prone to this type of condition.

Scarring alopecia

It is a permanent condition that can be caused by inflammatory skin problems and skin diseases like acne or lupus.

How can you slow down hair fall?

Hairlessness can be treated with medications, home remedies, and proper care for your scalp and hair. In addition, diet can also play a significant role in keeping your hair healthy, regrow them, and prevent them from damage.


There are well-working medications available for hair fall. They may include treatments such as Finasteride and Minoxidil. They work in the following way-


Finasteride is a well-working alopecia treatment. It is available in the form of tablets and is prescribed to be taken once a day. It impedes the action of 5 alpha-reductase, which transforms testosterone into dihydrotestosterone, and leads to loss of hair. In addition to bringing an end to hair loss, finasteride also enhances hair growth.


Minoxidil is another remedy for hairlessness. You can find it in the form of spray and use it two times a day. However, unlike finasteride, it doesn’t impede active loss of hair. The medication promotes the growth of new hairs.
In many cases, healthcare providers recommend using both treatments in combination. Many studies show that using finasteride and minoxidil together can bring positive and satisfactory results in getting rid of alopecia.

Home remedies

Home remedies are like mumma’s magic. They bring relief to your problems without leading to any side effects. It may be possible that a certain product does not suit your health, but home remedies are almost safe to use. Some of the well-working home treatments for thinning of hairs are-

Onion juice

Using onion juice on your scalp makes the hairs healthy and evokes hair regrowth.

Scalp massage

Grandma’s remedy may help overcome alopecia. Massaging your scalp improves the blood circulation in your head and provides potency to the hair follicle. You can add essential oils to your career oil and massage your scalp gently.
Other than these solutions, using aloe Vera and egg yolks to your scalp can make your hair healthy and trigger hair growth.


Diet is no less crucial than any other aspect associated with your health, such as exercise or stress management. Even dietary factors affect your health much more than these viewpoints. Certain nutrients such as iron, vitamin D, zinc, omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, selenium folic acid, antioxidants, biotin, and amino acids are vital for your hair health and regrowth.

They may support your hair loss treatment. However, a lack of these essential nutrients can lead to hair fall. You eat the following to fulfil the deficiency-

  • Eggs
  • Berries
  • Spinach
  • Fatty fish
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Avocados
  • Nuts
  • Oysters
  • Beans
  • Soybeans

How can you prevent alopecia?

Preventive measures can assist in putting a stop to hair loss. You can talk with your doctor about the same concern. However, the following measures can lend you a hand in preventing hair fall-

  • Regular scalp massage
  • Eating foods rich in Iron, Vitamin A, D, E, protein, biotin, amino acids, Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids
  • Avoiding using heat sources
  • Dodging tight hairstyles

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