What are the best weight loss drugs, medicines and supplements?

weight loss

Doctors prescribe medications for weight loss in certain circumstances. If a person is unable to shed extra body fat with diet and exercise, they may recommend people using these pills. Xenical (Orlistat) is the prescription-only pill, which works by preventing some of the fat in your food from being absorbed into your body. The medication was developed as a prescription drug for the treatment of obesity. Orlistat is one of many prescribed weight-loss medications, and it is not exactly clear how it works. However, most professionals agree that this medicine prevents some fat from being absorbed by your body.
Xenical is used with a reduced-calorie diet and with increased physical activity in the treatment of obesity.

How effective is Xenical?

Orlistat can help you lose weight if combined with a reduced-calorie diet and exercise, but it’s unlikely to lead to significant weight loss on its own. Xenical works best when combined with a healthy balanced diet and exercise.

Xenical/Orlistat 120mg

Does it work for everyone?

Xenical doesn’t work for everyone. Nevertheless, if taken as directed, it can lead to a weight loss of about 5-10% over 12 weeks. Doctors prescribe using the medication in combination with healthy eating and exercise to achieve more good results. A full course of Xenical treatment typically lasts 12 weeks, but you shouldn’t take this medication for more than 12 months.

What are the side effects of Xenical?

The most common side effect is flatulence with discharge. It usually happens when you start taking Xenical and is due to the undigested fat in your bowel. Moreover, other common side effects include-

  • Loose or more frequent stools
  • Oily spotting
  • An urgent need to go to the toilet
  • An unpleasant taste in the mouth and stomach pain

Although in rare cases, some people experience indigestion, abdominal pain, headache, nausea, or vomiting.

What are the best weight loss pills?

There are many different weight loss drugs currently on the market. Xenical is only one of many prescription medications that can help you shed extra body fat. It was originally developed as a treatment for obesity. However, it can also assist in managing type-2 diabetes and lowering blood pressure.

The main class of weight-loss medications is known as lipase inhibitors. Orlistat belongs to a subgroup known as the pancreatic enzyme inhibitor, which stops some of the fat in your food from being absorbed into your body. Moreover, other medications in this class include-

  • Acarbose (Precose)
  • Miglitol (Glyset)
  • Pramlintide (Symlin)

Can supplements work better than a weight loss medicine?

Many people want to get rid of obesity by burning more calories than they eat. It can be done in different ways, for example by exercising daily or eating healthy. However, some supplements also claim to help burn some extra calories while you are just sitting still. Some of these supplements are-


L-Carnitine burns more calories during workouts and stress. It is an amino acid that plays a role in metabolism, helping the body turn fat into energy. Moreover, this supplement also has anti-aging properties because it can protect mitochondria, structures inside cells that produce energy.


Chromium increases glucose tolerance, which can lead to weight loss. It is a trace mineral that helps with sugar cravings and food intake. This supplement works by increasing the ability of cells to use insulin, a hormone that helps glucose enter our cells from the blood. A study published in The Journal of Nutrition found that Chromium increases LDL (bad) cholesterol. However, it does not seem to affect blood pressure, body weight, or body composition.

Chromium can help control your appetite because it reduces cravings for carbohydrates and high-fat foods. However, if you use a weight loss medicine, consult your doctor if using medications in combination with supplements benefits your health.

Garcinia cambogia

Garcinia cambogia suppresses appetite. Overcoming your hunger is one of the best ways to lose weight because it helps you cut down on calories. A study found that taking just two servings of Garcinia Cambogia per day could help reduce meal size by up to 40%. It works because hydroxy citric acid (HCA), an active ingredient in this supplement, can reduce your craving and lower the number of calories you eat.

Green tea extract

Extract of green tea boosts fat burning. Green tea can improve metabolism and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s disease. Moreover, it’s also beneficial for weight loss. A study found that it could help enhance fat burning by three to four times during moderate exercise, especially when combined with caffeine.

Green tea also contains antioxidants called catechins, which have been linked with increased metabolism and lower body weight in some studies.

Raspberry ketones

Raspberry ketones raise the level of adiponectin. It is a protein hormone produced by fat cells, which has a crucial role in metabolism and energy expenditure. A study found that obese patients who took raspberry ketone supplements for 12 weeks increased their adiponectin concentrations by an impressive percentage of 31 on average.

What’s more, the ratio of adiponectin to leptin also improved, which means that this supplement can help improve your metabolism and weight loss.


This supplement increases exercise capacity and decrease fatigue. CoQ10 is a compound your body produces on its own. However, it can also be found in foods such as beef or sardines. It has been studied for years because of the significant role it plays in energy production. A study published in The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness found that muscle CoQ10 concentrations were significantly lower in obese individuals than lean people. Moreover, obese people who used CoQ10 for around eight weeks decreased total body mass and increased fat oxidation.


Caffeine boosts the basal metabolic rate. This well-known stimulant is found in coffee, tea, chocolate, certain soft drinks, and energy drinks. Numerous studies have shown that caffeine has many health benefits on the nervous system, heart, liver, and kidneys besides weight loss. Moreover, it also increases the metabolism by stimulating the production of adrenaline, which causes an increase in blood pressure and fat oxidation.

Caffeine has many proven benefits for health. It is more effective when combined with other ingredients. However, caffeine can also cause side effects such as insomnia, nausea, and anxiety. You should also avoid taking caffeine before bed because you need to sleep properly to feel rested and full of energy the following day.

These are medications and supplements, which can lend you a hand in shedding unnecessary body mass. However, it is wise to seek the opinion of your healthcare provider before using any weight loss medicine or supplement. It will help prevent complications.

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