Can acid reflux go away? What medications can help?

acid reflux

Acid reflux is a condition, which occurs when the stomach acid slips into the oesophagus. It causes symptoms like heartburn and sore throat. Moreover, other symptoms may include bloody vomit, dry cough, nausea, and unintended weight loss. This condition may not go away on its own. Therefore,  you need to take medications like omeprazole and adjust your lifestyle and eating habits.

Walking on your treatment plan can help manage your symptoms and prevent complications. However, when acid reflux turns severe, people may have gastrointestinal oesophagus reflux disease (GERD). It is a critical condition, which requires a higher degree of treatment and more care. Nevertheless, GERD is also treatable. You need to be more cautious about your health if you have gastrointestinal oesophagus reflux disease. It is because, in such cases, you are more prone to complications. 

What are the causes of acid reflux? 

Various causes can result in reflux diseases. They may include certain medications, lifestyles, and dietary factors. Nevertheless, the common culprits for heartburn are as follows-

  • Eating a large meal at once
  • Taking snacks near the bedtime
  • Smoking
  • Obesity
  • Medications for blood pressure or muscle relaxation
  • Foods like tomatoes, onions, garlic, mint, and spicy and fatty foods
  • Drinks such as tea, coffee, alcohol, and carbonated beverages 

What are effective drugs for acid reflux?

Multiple approaches can treat reflux diseases. They may include medications, lifestyle shifts, changes in eating habits, and dietary factors.


Different types of drugs reduce stomach acid. Moreover, some of them can also neutralize the acid and ease heartburn. The different kinds of medications used for acid reflux treatment are-

H2 blockers

These medications aim to decrease the amount of stomach acid. H2 antagonists is another name of these medicines. However, some of the common H2 blockers are-

  • Nizatidine (Axid)
  • Famotidine (Pepcid AC)
  • Cimetidine (Tagamet HB) 

These medicines neutralize the acid produced in the stomach. Antacids relieve symptoms like heartburn and sore throat. Some of the common antacids are-

  • Alka seltzer
  • Gelusil
  • Gaviscon
  • Bismol
  • Alternagel
Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs)

These drugs are one of the well-working drugs for acid reflux. Doctors often prescribe PPIs to patients. Nevertheless,. medications falling under the same drug class are as follows-

Omeprazole 20mg

  • Omeprazole
  • Lansoprazole
  • Esomeprazole
  • Rabeprazole

What are the complications of acid reflux? 

Proper and timely treatment is crucial for reflux diseases. It is because leakage of stomach acid or excessive acid can damage the stomach and the surrounding parts of the cavity. Therefore, you need to be careful with your treatment plan and follow it responsibly. Complications related to acid reflux can be-


It takes place when acid reflux takes place very often. It makes eating food difficult. You may experience pain in gulping down the food. Moreover, it can also result in oesophageal cancers. 

Oesophageal cancer

If heartburn remains untreated, the condition may lead to oesophageal cancer. There are no premature signs and symptoms of this condition. People may only identify it in its advanced stage. However, you may notice symptoms like severe heartburn, indigestion, chest pain, and weight loss if oesophageal cancers are developing. 

Oesophageal stricture

It causes abnormal growth of tissues in the oesophagus, scars. Additionally, swelling may also occur in the cavity.

Oesophageal ulcers

Stomach acid can damage the oesophageal layer. It can lead to peptic ulcers. Reach out to your doctor if you develop the following signs and symptoms-

  • Indigestion
  • Pain while swallowing the food
  • Heartburn
  • Bloody stools

These are some of the severe complications of acid reflux. You should follow your treatment plan sincerely.

Taking medications on time, avoiding certain foods, drinks, and lifestyles that can trigger acid reflux symptoms can help get rid of your problem. However, carelessness and improper intake of medications can lead to complications. 

How can you prevent heartburn

You can prevent GERD by managing your symptoms and avoiding the triggers. Your doctor may tell you a set of preventive measures. You should follow them if you are a prey of acid reflux. Nevertheless, some of the prevention ash briefed below-

Do not lie down just after taking your meal

If you lie down after eating food, the acid may leak into the oesophagus. It can cause reflux disease. Therefore, you should avoid lying down or taking a nap in the daytime on a chair. 

Wear loose and comfortable clothes

Tight clothes can hinder the digestive process. Moreover, it can also make you feel uneasy. Poor digestion and uneasiness can cause symptoms like heartburn. Prefer wearing comfortable and loose clothes. 

Lose weight

Obesity is one of the risk factors for acid reflux. Experts identify the extra pressure on the belly as the reason for GERD, in an obese state. Lose weight if you have reflux diseases.

Diet, exercise, and certain medications can help in the same concern. However, consult with your doctor before using any medication for weight loss along with omeprazole or other acid reflux medications. 

Avoid eating in bulk

When you eat a large amount of food at once, heartburn can occur. Therefore, eat smaller portions of meals frequently instead of eating in bulk at once. 

Quit smoking

Smoking can weaken or harm the lower oesophagus sphincter (LES). It is the stomach valve that prevents the leakage of stomach acid into the oesophagus. When it becomes weak, it may not perform its function properly. Hence, acid leaks into the food pipe, and reflux diseases occur.

Smoking can also worsen acid reflux. 

Avoid certain foods and drinks

Do not eat foods like tomato, garlic, mint, and spicy and fatty foods. They are supposed to trigger heartburn. Instead, you can add vegetables such as cauliflower, cucumber, broccoli, potatoes, beans, asparagus, and leafy greens; Non-citrus fruits like apples, melons, pears, and bananas; Lean meats like fish, chicken, and seafood; oatmeal; ginger; and egg whites.

Moreover, cut off alcohol carbonated beverages and citrus fruit juices from your diet

Look on your medications

Certain medications can lead to cause acid reflux. They may include painkillers, antibiotics, and drugs for blood pressure and muscle relaxation. If you are taking these medications, consult with your doctor if they hinder your treatment. 

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