What are the best products to use for acne? How do they work?


Acne, also known by the name acne vulgaris, is a long-term skin illness. It takes place when hair follicles are blocked with lifeless skin cells and oil from the skin. The condition causes blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, oily skin, and possible scarring. Moreover, it primarily affects areas of the skin with a relatively high number of oil glands, including the face, upper part of the chest, and back. The person suffering from it can have anxiety and reduced self-esteem. Moreover, in extreme cases, hopelessness and thoughts of suicide can also make room in his or her head. Genetics can be the primary cause of pimples in 80% of cases. The part between diet and cigarette smoking is uncertain. Moreover, cleanliness and exposure to sunlight appear to play a part during puberty. In both sexes, zits can take place due to an increase in hormones such as testosterone.

This skin disease occurs most commonly during adolescence and often continues into adulthood. It is also a common adult skin disease. Nevertheless, for many people, it decreases over time. It can occur anywhere in your body. However, it’s most common on the face, chest, shoulders, and back.


There are many myths about what causes acne. Nevertheless, scientists have discovered the causes to be a combination of the following-


Sebum is an oily substance produced by small pores in our skin called sebaceous glands. The purpose of sebum is to waterproof, moisturize and protect your hair and skin. Excess production of sebum can result in this skin condition.

Hair follicles

These are small cavities from which your hair grows. When follicles become blocked with excess oil, bacteria can develop and cause pimples.


Usually present on your skin’s surface, this type of bacterium is harmless until it mixes with the extra oil. Your skin’s sebaceous glands produce sebum. This combination causes inflammation that leads to the redness and swelling most often associated with zits.


Androgens are internal secretion that amplifies in boys and girls during puberty. Moreover, they cause the sebaceous glands to enlarge and make more sebum. Hormonal fluctuations during the gestation period and the use of oral contraceptives also can influence sebum production. Additionally, low amounts of androgens circulate in the blood of women and can worsen this skin disease.


Researchers consider that the propensity to have pimples can be hereditary. For example, many studies have shown that many school-age boys with zits have a family history of the disorder. In addition, genes may determine how your body responds to hormonal changes.


Exposure to greasy or oily substances, such as petroleum jelly or mineral oil and industrial products, can lead to acne in some people. It happens because these products contain hydrocarbons.


Iodides used in some medications, including some antibiotics, can also be responsible for pimples.

Dead skin cells

Just like bacteria, dead skin cells are usually harmless when they remain on the outermost layer of your skin (epidermis). However, clogged pores can lead to the build-up of dead skin cells within the pore’s opening, causing inflammation and pimples.


Acne can show up in many different ways. The most common types are-


These are small, white bumps on the skin caused by blocked pores. They can be closed or open.


Blackheads are also bumps that develop on the skin. Unlike whiteheads, they have clogged pores that are open to the air and appear black from oxidation.


Pustules are inflamed areas of skin with pus at the tip. They’re commonly known as pimples. Moreover, pustules are red at the base and have a yellow or white centre filled with pus.


Nodules are large and painful acne deep under the skin’s surface. They form when hair follicles get clogged with oil and dead skin cells, which cause bacteria to grow inside them. They’re sometimes mistaken for cysts because they look similar to one another on the surface of your skin.


Cysts are similar to nodules. However, they contain pus and fluid. They can be painful and cause scarring if left untreated.


Papules are small, pink bumps that can feel tender or sore to the touch. Cysts or nodules often cause them. If these papules get irritated, it can lead to scarring.


There is no cure for pimples cannot be cured. Nevertheless, you can control them with treatment. Remedies for zits depend on how severe it is. Moreover, it can take several months of treatment before your symptoms improve.

Vitamin B3

Nicotinamide and nicotinic acid are forms of vitamin B3 that can help with acne treatment. Nicotinamide is a key ingredient in many products, which is safer for long-term use than nicotinic acid.


Topical retinoids, benzoyl peroxide, and azelaic acid are commonly used over-the-counter treatments for mild acne.
Retinoids help unclog pores, prevent new clogging and reduce inflammation. These are available in several forms, such as gels, creams, and lotions. Topical retinoids work by preventing the plugging of the hair follicles.
Benzoyl peroxide kills bacteria that cause zits or helps unclog pores.

Prescription medications

Antibiotics approved by the FDA to treat pimples include clindamycin and tetracyclines (for example, minocycline). These medications help kill bacteria from cysts or nodules on your skin. Some people will experience a clearing of their zits with antibiotic treatment. On the other hand, others may see no benefit. In addition, some individuals may experience worsening of their skin condition with antibiotic treatments.

Isotretinoin can be taken orally or topically. If taken orally, experts prescribe using it as a course of treatment for 16 to 24 weeks. If taken topically, your dermatologist may recommend using it as a course of treatment for 6 months to 1 year.

Oral contraceptives

Hormonal treatment can be a good option for women with moderate to severe acne. However, experts prescribe them when your pimples do not respond well to other remedies.

Other treatments may be available depending on the type of pimples you have. Talk to your doctor about which treatment plan might be best for you.


You cannot prevent zits by avoiding skin irritants and triggering substances and taking proper care of your skin. If you are prone to this skin disease, you can prevent outbreaks by taking the following steps-

Use a gentle cleanser

Avoid scrubbing your skin with a washcloth or abrasive pad. It can irritate your skin. Wash your face gently for about 30 seconds using warm water. However, if you wear any cosmetics or sunscreen, use products that are labelled oil-free or non-comedogenic.

Don’t remain in sunlight for long without sunscreen

Too much sun exposure can cause premature aging of the skin and other health problems such as skin cancer. Therefore, wear sunscreen every day, even if it’s cloudy outside. Reapply it frequently when you’re outdoors. If possible, avoid going out in the sun when the sun’s rays are strongest. Moreover, consider wearing protective clothing such as a wide-brimmed hat to protect your face from direct sunlight.

Clean your face

The finest method to put a stop to acne is to keep your skin hygienic. Rinse your face two times a day with tepid water and a mild soap prepared for people with pimples. Softly massage your skin with round motions.

Don’t pick or squeeze pimples or blemishes

You can scar or spread bacteria on your skin that can make pimples worse.

Do not rub your face

Try not to touch or rub your face too much, especially if your hands are dirty. Doing so can make your skin condition worse.

Shampoo on a regular basis

Shampoo regularly if you have oily hair that touches your face.

Take special care when you wear make-up

If you wear makeup, wash it off before going to bed so that your skin can breathe as you sleep. In addition, choose water-based cosmetics rather than oil-based ones.

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