Acne: What are the types? How to get rid of acne scars?


Acne is a skin disease. It occurs when the pores on your skin are clogged. The zits develop when oil and dead skin cells combine with bacteria. Eventually, the condition results in red bumps called pimples. You may see whiteheads, blackheads, or red spots on your face, chest, or back if you have this skin disease. Nevertheless, consult your doctor for an effective solution for acne scars in such a problem. You may feel embarrassed or uncomfortable with the way your skin looks. Many types of products may work for you. However, it is vital to find what works for you. You may need to try several remedies before you find the best one.


The cause of acne is not clear. Nevertheless, experts believe the following factors may play a role in its development-

  • Oil production in your skin
  • Dead skin cells that clump together inside hair follicles and clog the pores
  • Bacteria that gets trapped inside the clogged pores


There are several distinct types of pimples. Each of them has different symptoms. Nevertheless, you can treat them with an effective solution for acne scars. 

  • Blackheads

They are small, flesh-coloured bumps. Moreover, blackheads develop on the skin when hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells.

  • Whiteheads

They have raised bumps filled with pus.

  • Papules

They are small pink bumps.

  • Pustules

They are raised bumps, which have pus. Moreover, pustules are similar to papules except with pus at the tip.
Papules and pustules can occur on their own. In addition, they can also be a part of an outbreak of nodules or cysts.

  • Nodules

They are large and painful lesions deep within the skin with a dominant inflamed head. It is where the bacteria are present. If you press nodules, they can release pus. These pimples can turn severe. Therefore, look for an effective remedy for acne scars.

  • Cysts

They are large and painful lesions deep within the skin. Cysts have pus and other liquid matter. Moreover, they are larger than nodules. These zits often have a narrow opening or channel at their surface, through which they drain.

  • Granulomas

They are small bumps. You can see granulomas at hair follicles with sharp, raised red margins.

Other types

There are many other less common types of pimples. However, some are as follows-

  • Acne conglobata
  • Dermatitis herpetiformis
  • Hidradenitis suppurativa
  • Keratosis pilaris
  • Miliaria crystalline (also known as milk bumps)
  • Perioral dermatitis
  • Polychondritis
  • Rosacea
  • Sarcoidosis

Common products can help treat these zits. Nevertheless, always consult your doctor before using any medication.

Best treatments

There are many over-the-counter (OTC) drugs to treat acne. However, whenever you start a new remedy, try it on one small area of your skin. It may help you ensure that they do not have an allergic reaction. You can get various products without a prescription. Nevertheless, talk with your doctor or pharmacist before using any new product, even OTC products.

OTC products
  • Benzoyl peroxide

OTC products available at most pharmacies contain benzoyl peroxide. It can help treat zits Benzoyl peroxide fights away the acne-causing bacteria. However, this product may cause your skin to dry and peel. Moisturizers may help lessen the side effects.

Duac 5% Gel

  • Alpha-hydroxy acids (AHA)

Products containing AHA can also help treat pimples. These products are available in lotions, creams, and cleansers. Moreover, AHA works by removing dead skin cells that clog pores. Products with a lower percentage of alpha-hydroxy acids work well for most people. Nevertheless, check with your doctor or pharmacist before using any product for acne scars. 

Other remedies

Other treatment options for zits include topical retinoids. They can also help unclog pores and decrease oil production. Moreover, topical retinoids also help keep new breakouts from forming.
Your doctor may prescribe you a topical antibiotic if other OTC products do not work after eight weeks of use. If these antibiotics do not work for you, your doctor may recommend an oral antibiotic.

Solutions for severe condition

  • Accutane®

If you have severe pimples, your doctor may prescribe Accutane® (isotretinoin) or another oral antibiotic. Many studies show that Accutane can be very effective for treating a severe condition. Moreover, they can also prevent future breakouts. The medication has many side effects. They may include dry eyes, lips, and skin, and an increased risk for birth defects, if taken during pregnancy.

  • Spironolactone

Another oral medication called spironolactone can help in acne treatment. They can treat women whose zits come with excess hair on the face, an overactive sex drive, or abnormal menstrual bleeding. Moreover, this drug blocks the effects of testosterone in the body. Spironolactone helps decrease oil production. Nevertheless, it commonly treats high blood pressure and heart failure.

  • Laser therapy

People may have severe zits accompanied by painful and deep breakouts that cause scars. In such cases, your doctor may recommend laser therapy or a surgical procedure to remove the scars. Laser therapy uses intense light energy to destroy the oil glands in your skin. Moreover, it can also help prevent future breakouts from forming. Doctors generally recommend laser therapy to treat acne resistance to other treatments.

Side effects from pimple remedies

  • Benzoyl peroxide

The most frequent after-effects of benzoyl peroxide are dry or cracking skin. Do not use benzoyl peroxide on broken skin, sunburns. Moreover, avoid using it on large areas of your body unless your doctor tells you otherwise. Know that this remedy for acne scars may bleach your clothing and bedsheets.

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  • Alpha hydroxy acid products

These products can cause mild irritation. They may include redness, itching, burning, or skin peeling. However, if these effects persist, stop using the product. Consult your doctor or pharmacist.

  • Retinoids and oral antibiotics

These products can cause birth defects if you use them during pregnancy. Therefore, avoid using retinoids or oral antibiotics if you are pregnant.
Topical retinoids and benzoyl peroxide can also irritate the skin. People may notice redness, swelling, scaling, or itching while using these products. In such cases, stop using the product. Moreover, consult your doctor or pharmacist.
If you are planning to become pregnant, talk with your doctor before using any OTC remedy for acne scars. 

Preventive ways

Certain lifestyle habits can help you avoid zits. Some simple tips to avoid this skin condition include-

  • Implement cleanliness

Wash your face twice a day with a non-oil-based cleanser. Moreover, avoid using bar soap on acne-prone skin. It can take away the natural oil from your skin.

  • Clean your hair

Shampoo your hair regularly. Oily hair can touch the face and transfer oil.

  • Do not touch your face

Avoid touching your face or picking at pimples. Keep your hands-off. Moreover, do not press or squeeze blemishes. Doing so may hinder your acne scar healing. 

  • Get moderate exercise

Exercise can help ease your skin disease. Sweat is good for the skin. However, avoid working out directly before going out in public or going to bed. Wetness can irritate your skin and aggravate breakouts. Therefore, choose to use a facial cleanser and moisturizer for zit-prone skin.

  • Take care of your skin

Avoid anything that will cause irritation or breakouts. They may include astringents, toners with alcohol, some makeup and hair products, harsh soaps, and cleansers. These products may hinder your acne scar healing. 

  • Avoid UV rays

Avoid remaining in the sun for long. Moreover, avoid exposure to UV (ultraviolet) rays. The breakouts may become poor by high temperatures. Nevertheless, wearing hats when outdoors is helpful.

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