Does An Apple a Day Keeps Doctor Away?

“An apple a day keeps a doctor away”. We have been listening to this very well liked aphorism from our childhood. This proverbial advice of eating an apple a day came into existence in 1866. 150 years later, a medical general published a study on April fool’s day questioning about the popular wisdom. Taking the […]

CBD: Myths, Facts, Uses, Side Effects and More

CBD is a short nomenclature for Cannabidiol. It is a chemical compound, which is obtained from the Cannabis sativa plant. It is also called as Marijuana. It is a substance that occurs naturally. It is used in like oil and food to inculcate a feeling of tranquil and relaxation. Delta -9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is known as […]

Acid Reflux: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatments

Acid reflux is a disease, which causes heartburn and a feeling of discomfort in the chest. This is caused when the acid produced by the human body gets into the stomach valve.                             The human body has a stomach valve, which is made up of muscle ring called lower esophageal sphincter (LES).  This shuts as […]

Eating Disorders: Types, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment and More

Eating disorders are referred to as mental disorders that include unusual eating habits, which negatively influence their mental or physical well being. Bulimia nervosa, anorexia nervosa, binge-eating disorder are general eating disarray.                                                                          In most of the eating disorders, people focus so much on their weight, food, and body figure. This results in […]

All You Need to Know About Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a sort of treatment that is done by putting in very slim needles into the person’s skin at particular points on the anatomy, to certain depths. Acupuncturation is said to lend a hand in improving the well-being and treatment of some disorders.                        Researchers say that Acupuncture helps in relieving the pain, and […]

Depression: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Remedies and More

Depression is categorized as a mood disorder. It can be explained as feelings of failure, misery, or anger that intervene with a person’s everyday actions.                               Different people go through depression in dissimilar ways. It can interfere with poor efficiency, leading to lost time and your daily activities. Depression can also have an effect […]

Brain tumor: Types, Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment and More

A brain tumor is the development of abnormal units in your brain. There are various types of brain cancer. Some brain tumors are (benign) noncancerous, and some of them are (malignant) cancerous. Cancerous tumor are further classified into two types- Primary Tumor grows within the brain The secondary tumor grows in other parts of the […]

VitaminD : Benefits, Sources, Deficiency and More

VitaminD is very useful for the human body. Vitamins are the minerals that cannot be prepared by the human body. But the human body produces vitaminD with the help of Sun exposure. One can take various food supplements to accelerate the volume or quantity of vitamin D into the body.  What are the benefits of […]

Hair loss : Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment and More

Hair loss is a situation when you experience a constant loss of hair from your scalp. The accurate name of hair loss is Alopecia. Hair loss can be caused due to factors like growing age, hereditary factors, or casual disease.                                      The loss of hair can be seen in men, women and even in […]

Weight Loss: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and treatment

Weight loss can be defined as a decrease in total body mass. It includes fluids, lean mass, and body fat.                                 Weight loss can be attained intentionally like losing weight by own desire. It is also done when one wants to get rid of the obese state. This intentional loss of weight is called Slimming. […]

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