What are the most effective hacks for migraines?

migraine symptoms

Migraine is a very common brain disease. Usually, a migraine occurs as a severe headache. However, sensory warning symptoms called an aura. It alerts the person of an impending attack of head pain, can accompany the condition. Most of the headache episodes last from hours to several days. Some people get milder symptoms from attacks. However, many others feel constantly under the shadow of uneasiness. The condition usually starts in early adulthood and may improve or worsen with age. Nevertheless, preventive treatment can help ease off the migraine symptoms.

What are the most effective hacks for this disease?

Some of the effective hacks for severe headaches are-

Sleep well at night

Lack of sleep can trigger migraine attacks in some people. Therefore, get plenty of sleep during the night. For instance, if you are trying to get to sleep but your mind is running through a list of things that need to be done tomorrow, try this simple trick; jot down these items on a piece of paper and put the list under your pillow. In the morning, you will be surprised to find that they have been miraculously taken care of.

Eat small meals throughout the day

Eating large meals is a big no-no for most migraineurs. Therefore, try to eat smaller but more frequent meals or snacks throughout the day. Make sure that you do not skip any meals, even if you are not hungry.

Try to control your stress

Along with using your treatment for migraine symptoms, reduce stress from your life. Stress is a major trigger that can be difficult to control at times. Nevertheless, try to take some time for yourself every week and do something simple like yoga or meditation. You can look for other effective methods that can help relieve stress.

Exercise regularly

Exercise is not only good for your heart, but it can also help reduce the frequency of headache episodes. Try to exercise regularly, even if you have to start slowly and build up gradually. Moreover, if possible, try to schedule your workout sessions in the morning or afternoon. These are the times when you are less likely to experience an attack.

Turn down the lights

Bright lights can temporarily narrow your pupils, triggering migraines in some people. Try to-

  • Reduce the bright lights in your daily environment by covering up windows during the day
  • Switching off bright overhead lighting
  • Using lampshades or other types of lighting
Keep your environment clean and tidy

An untidy, cluttered living space with dirty clothes strewn about is not just unhygienic. However, it can also trigger migraine attacks in some people. Try to keep your home or office as tidy as possible by putting things away after using them and getting rid of junk mail and clutter. Even if you are using your medications for migraine symptoms, a clean environment is essential to prevent severe headaches.

Talk with your doctor to find the accurate treatment

There is no such thing as a “one size fits all” approach to treating migraines. Every patient is different. Therefore, it is significant to work closely with your therapist to determine what type of treatment will be most effective for you.

Get up slowly after you sit or lie down for too long

Sudden movements like standing up quickly may trigger a throbbing headache in some people, especially if they lead to loss of blood flow to the brain (which can be caused by dehydration). If you need to stand up, you should try to do it slowly and gently. Doing so can prevent any sudden changes in blood flow to the brain.

Look into supplements

Magnesium can help treat migraines in some people. However, there are also other supplements like feverfew and butterbur, which can relieve migraine pain in some cases. Discuss with your healthcare provider or an online doctor about taking supplements, as it is possible that they could interact with other medications you are taking or cause other side effects. Therefore, always consult with your doctor before taking supplements along with migraine treatment.

Try cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT)

Although the research is not conclusive yet, CBT seems to help reduce the frequency of migraine symptoms in some people and may even stop attacks altogether if performed correctly. If you feel like your headaches may be triggered by stress, anxiety, or depression, you should speak with your doctor about the possibility of trying CBT.

Create a restful sleep environment

If you have trouble sleeping at night due to uneasiness, try creating a more peaceful and comfortable sleep environment for yourself. If your bedroom is too bright or noisy, you could try using blackout curtains or earplugs. Moreover, you might even consider keeping a diary to track your sleep patterns and figure out if there’s anything in your daily life that’s preventing you from getting a good night’s rest.

Avoid stress relievers like alcohol and caffeine

Alcohol and caffeine not only provide temporary relief from your condition but can actually make the condition worse in the long run. If you are struggling with frequent migraine symptoms, you should avoid all types of stress relief, including drinking alcohol and caffeinated drinks.

Don’t overdo it with pain medication

Treatment is crucial for overcoming the uneasiness and throbbing head pains. However, overuse of medication can actually make the condition worse in some people, so do not take too many pills without checking with your doctor first.

Furthermore, long-term use of painkillers like opioids can make migraines worse and lead to dependency. Therefore, if you are struggling with medication overuse, it is a good idea to talk with your doctor or seek an online doctor consultation about alternative treatments.

Keep track of weather changes

If you notice that sudden changes in temperature tend to trigger your migraine attacks, you should keep a diary to track the weather in your area. By figuring out when sudden temperature changes are likely to occur, you may be able to take steps to help prevent throbbing headaches before they happen.

Talk about your migraines with friends and family

It can be difficult to talk about how you are feeling during a migraine symptoms, but you must try. By sharing your experiences with family and friends, they will be in a better position to help you when you are going through a bad episode. Furthermore, letting them know about the symptoms can also help if they have to call for an ambulance at any point.

Seeking support from your family and friends can help boost your motivation and willpower to fight your condition. Treatments do their work. Nevertheless, you cannot deny the emotional support.

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