Tag Archives: headaches

How do you know it is a migraine? What are its symptoms?


Migraine is a kind of neurological illness, which causes moment and chronic headaches at times. It often comes with symptoms like nausea, sensitivity to lights, sound, and smell, and loss of appetite. These symptoms can last from 4 hours to 3 days. Nevertheless, effective treatment can help get rid of the irritating symptoms and relieving […]

What are common measures for curing diseases like malaria?


Malaria can result because of a mosquito-borne parasite named Plasmodium. It destroys red blood cells in the body, which leads to anaemia because healthy red blood cells are the primary carrier of oxygen around our bodies. Above all, timely treatment is crucial to avoid complications. The parasites transmit from human to human via mosquitoes infected […]

Migraine: How can I get rid of migraine pain naturally?


Migraine headaches are not as extremely debilitating as some other types of headaches. However, they still influence a person’s life in significant ways, whether it is through pain or nausea during the throbbing headache or the inability to carry on with normal activities and responsibilities after an episode. Experiencing headaches is one of the most […]

What are the migraine symptoms and treatments?


Migraine is a headache that causes throbbing pain, usually in one or both sides of the head. There are various other kinds of headaches like tension headache, cluster headache, and thunderclap headache. They all have a specific reason behind their occurrence. However, migraine causes are still unknown. What results in causing these headaches is not […]

Does Champix/Chantix really help you stop smoking forever?

stop smoking

Every year several people die from smoking-related illnesses. In addition, long-term smokers have a higher risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. It also increases the risk of complications during pregnancy and reduces fertility. Furthermore, smokeless tobacco contains at least 28 carcinogenic agents. It can lead to the oral cavity, pharynx, oesophagus, larynx, and pancreas diseases. […]

What are the best medicines for migraines? How do they work?


There are many medications used for migraines. Your doctor may prescribe different medicines for the treatment depending on your age. Moreover, he may also consider your health condition and headache condition. Acute treatments for headaches aim at decreasing pain, nausea, and sensitivity to light or sound. This treatment comes in the form of medications. However, […]

What are the common side effects of hay fever drugs?

hay fever

A number of medications can help ease hay fever symptoms. Some relieve stuffy nose and congestion. On the other hand, some work on headache, nausea, and vision problems. There are a few potential side effects of allergic rhinitis medications. The common negative aftermaths are headache, nausea, drowsiness, and dry mouth. Moreover, other side effects people […]

Asthma attacks: Can recue inhalers help? How do you use them?


What are rescue inhalers? Rescue inhalers are medicines, which are generally used by asthmatics when they have an asthma attack. There are several types of rescue inhalers available, including albuterol, levalbuterol (Xopenex), and pirbuterol (Maxair Autohaler). These inhalers are used in emergencies and should not be considered a substitute for daily control or preventative medication. […]

What are the types of migraine headaches? How do you detect the type?


What is a migraine? Migraine is a disease. It is chronic and has the potential to last your entire life, even if you seek effective treatment. In addition, it is also associated with other health risks such as stroke and heart attack. The word migraine comes from the Greek word hemikrania, meaning “half the head.” […]

How long is it safe to delay your period? Can medications help?

delay your period

Speak with your gynaecologist if you want to delay your period for a particular event, such as a wedding or holiday. She may advise you to use a medicine containing a very small amount of oestrogen and gestagen (progestogen) at the time you expect your flow. This medication (mini-pill) is different from other birth control […]

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