Is there anything a pregnant lady can do to get relief from acid reflux?

acid reflux

Women are prone to develop acid reflux during pregnancy. It is a condition, which occurs when the stomach acid reaches the oesophagus and causes symptoms like heartburn and sore throat. Discomfort in the middle of the chest is the basic sign of GERD, and people may have the condition generally when-

  • They lie down after eating the meal
  • They bend over
  • After they eat meal or drink

Acid reflux can affect people at any time. However, pregnant women are more prone to develop the condition during the phase. 

What causes heartburn in pregnant women? 

Increased pressure on the belly

Nearby the delivery time, the growing foetus and uterus put a load on your belly, which can cause the stomach acid to drip outside the surface and reach the food pipe. It generally occurs after a pregnant woman eats. 

Hormonal changes

The woman’s body makes progesterone in an increased amount during the gestation period. This hormone plays a vital role in relaxing the soft muscle tissues, including the uterus. It helps it to widen and develop as the foetus gets mature. 

Progesterone can also loosen the lower oesophagus sphincter that allows the stomach acid to reach the food pipe. It can cause indigestion. 

What is the acid reflux treatment in such cases? 

If you are pregnant, always ask your doctor before taking any medication to relieve heartburn and other symptoms of heartburn. He or she may prescribe effective and safe remedies that may not harm you as well as your growing baby. 

Your doctor may suggest the following medications to ease your condition-

H2-receptor antagonists

These medications block the stomach cells, which produce excessive acid. Moreover, H2-receptor antagonists also aim to cut off the intensity of the H2 histamine chemical, which excites the stomach to make undue acid and causes acid reflux. 

Oral antacids

Antacids reduce the effect of stomach acid

Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs)

These medications aim at preventing the stomach from producing excessive acid. PPIs also restrain the enzyme essential for stomach acid production. 

Omeprazole 20mg

Lansoprazole 30mg


GERDCan home remedies help? 

You can also consider the following home remedies to relieve acid reflux-

  • Eat small portions of meal
  • Raising the head of the bed by 6–8 inches to sleep at a slight angle
  • Wear loose and comfortable clothes, especially around the belly
  • Avoid eating greasy and spicy foods
  • Sitting in an upright position for 3 hours after eating a meal
  • Eat 3-4 hours before going to bed

It is suggested to consult with your doctor before doing any home remedy for acid reflux on your own, especially if you are pregnant. He or she may suggest effective and harmless treatments. 

What factors can contribute to the severity of reflux?

GERD can occur due to the weakness or abnormal working of the lower oesophagus sphincter (LES). Pregnancy, smoking, overweight, and diet are some of the other potential causes. Moreover, there can be certain medical conditions, which can result in gastrointestinal oesophagus reflux disease (GERD). If you experience recurrent heartburn, consult with your doctor for effective remedy. 

What causes acid reflux? 

There can be various causes for the condition. They may include medical problems, lifestyle, and even your diet. Your doctor may identify the exact cause responsible for your condition in a diagnosis. However, the following are some potential causes-

  • Abnormal working of lower oesophagus sphincter (LES)
  • Obesity
  • Smoking
  • Improper functioning of the stomach
  • Foods that trigger acid production
  • Asthma 
Hiatal Hernia

It occurs when the upper part of your stomach is above the diaphragm, the muscle wall that separates the stomach from the chest. It lowers the pressure on the LES, which causes acid reflux. 

Consult with your doctor for suitable treatment as soon as he diagnoses the cause responsible for your condition.

What factors can make the symptoms of heartburn more serious? 


People who have diabetes, particularly type 1 diabetes, are more prone to have acid reflux. In such people, a force elevates in the stomach, which causes the acid to reach the oesophagus. 


It is an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system battle with the healthy cells, resulting in the risk of developing gastrointestinal oesophagus reflux disease (GERD). 

Celiac Disease

People with celiac disease are likely to have acid reflux than other people who do not have the condition. 
It is a digestive disorder that reacts to gluten (wheat, rye, or barley). Over time, it harms your small intestine.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma

People having COPD are prone to develop heartburn. COPD and GERD are interrelated. Experts say that having GERD can worsen COPD symptoms.

Although the reason is not clear, there is also a connection between acid reflux and asthma. The symptoms of GERD can worsen the symptoms of asthma. Moreover, people with the condition can develop asthma over time. 

Eating patterns

Eating right before going to bed or lying down after taking your meal can increase your risk of acid reflux. Moreover, if you eat out a large meal at once, it can worsen your GERD symptoms.

To avoid the condition, take your meal 2-3 hours before going to bed and eat small portions of food. 


Obesity is a risk factor for acid reflux. Excessive body mass puts pressure on your belly and makes the stomach acid reach the food pipe, which causes heartburn.

Lose weight to manage your condition. You can consult with your doctor for the ways that can help you shed unnecessary calories and assist in your healing at the same time.

Hormone replacement therapy

Women who are undergoing hormone replacement therapy are at risk of developing GERD symptoms. A high level of oestrogen is the risk factor in such a case.


Smoking is also a risk factor for acid reflux like obesity. To get rid of the condition, mind your bend towards tobacco smoking.

Certain medications

Taking medications like ibuprofen, aspirin, naproxen, tricyclic antidepressants, prescription painkillers, iron, and potassium supplements can make your condition more critical. 

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