What are acid reflux symptoms? What are the best ways to cure them?

acid reflux

Acid reflux is a condition in which stomach acid flows back up the oesophagus and into the throat or mouth. The sign and symptoms of GERD include a burning sensation in the chest, sour taste in your mouth, burning pain behind your sternum (the bone between the breasts), and heartburn. These symptoms can take place during the day and at hours of darkness. Moreover, people also complain having the following uneasiness-

  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Sore throat
  • Nausea and possibly vomiting
  • Chest pains, caused by spasms of your oesophageal muscles, which may cause you to swallow more air than usual
  • Difficulty falling asleep
  • Coughing

What causes acid reflux?

A band of muscles at the bottom of your oesophagus usually helps keep stomach acid where it belongs, in your stomach. However, if this muscle (the lower oesophageal sphincter) relaxes unexpectedly, acids and bile can back up into your throat and even rise to your mouth. It causes heartburn symptoms that may feel similar to heart attack symptoms, including pain in the centre of your chest that spreads into your shoulders, arms, or neck. Nevertheless, you can look for effective acid reflux tablets by consulting your doctor.

What are the best ways to cure indigestion?

There are numerous tricks for how to get rid of indigestion. However, here are some tips that you can try at home for heartburn-

Eat small portions of meal

Avoid eating in bulk. Instead, try to eat at intervals in small portions throughout the day. It allows your digestive system to work throughout the day.

Avoid snacking at bedtime

Avoid going to sleep instantly after eating a lot. It can sometimes cause acid reflux symptoms at night when you try to fall asleep. It is best to give your body time to digest before trying to rest.

Quit smoking

Avoid smoking or chewing tobacco products while eating. The chemicals in these products irritate the digestive system.

Drink plenty of water

Make sure to drink plenty of water, rather than other beverages, such as soda or juice, when eating a meal. It dilutes the stomach acid and lowers the risk of burning your food as it passes through your digestive tract.

Avoid food triggers

If you find that certain foods trigger heartburn or indigestion after eating, avoid those items for several weeks to see if your symptoms improve. You can then try one at a time to determine which food is the culprit. Avoiding foods that trigger indigestion can help with acid reflux.

Keep yourself away from coffee and caffeinated drinks

Steer clear of coffee and caffeinated sodas during the day. These beverages can excite the stomach to produce more acid and cause heartburn later in the evening when you lie down to sleep after drinking them. Moreover, try drinking herbal tea. It has no adverse side effects.

Avoid exercises after meals

Avoid exercising immediately after eating to prevent the rise in stomach acid, which occurs when you move around following a meal. Save your exercise for another time of the day, and try to eat one or two smaller meals per day rather than three large ones.

Don’t fall on the bed after eating

Do not fall on your bed right after a meal. This can cause acid to back up into your throat and worsen heartburn or acid reflux symptoms. Instead, try some gentle stretching to keep moving for five or ten minutes after eating. Moreover, keep a glass of water nearby to sip on while you rest.

Put fibre-rich foods on your plate

Eating foods high in fibre can improve your digestion by helping food pass through your digestive tract quickly. Some foods that are excellent for absorption of food include beans, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and yogurt. In addition, avoid processed foods with trans fats or added sugars, which slow digestion and hinder your GERD treatment.

Keep a check on carbohydrates

Watch your carbohydrate intake throughout the day, especially if you try to improve indigestion symptoms related to insulin resistance or diabetes. The simple sugar found in carbs can cause heartburn and indigestion when metabolized by the body at a faster rate than normal. To prevent these problems, eat complex carbs such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.

Try Baking soda

Using baking soda before meals can reduce the symptoms of acid reflux disease. Include about a teaspoon of baking soda in a water glass and drink it bit by bit on an unfilled stomach. Drinking it slowly prevents the alkaline solution from touching the oesophagus because the acid in your stomach can damage it. Moreover, baking soda also neutralizes excess stomach acid, making heartburn easier to bear.

Eat Oatmeal

Try having oatmeal before going to bed. It has proteins that coat the lining of your stomach, forming a barrier against acid. You can also add some cinnamon powder to it for its anti-inflammatory properties. If you are not able to have it before sleeping, have it in the morning instead.

Try Apple Cider Vinegar

Blend one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a water glass and have it half an hour prior to having your meal. It reduces the acidity in your stomach and helps improve digestion.

Use Lemon

If you slice a lemon into quarters and swallow them before your meals, it can provide immediate relief from heartburn and acid reflux. If you cannot tolerate the sour taste of lemon, steep a few slices in hot water overnight to have it as a tea in the morning by fighting off heartburn.

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