Hair loss: What are the best ways to avoid falling of hairs?

hair loss

Hair loss (alopecia) is a condition in which new hairs do not grow in the place of fallen ones. Men, women, children, and old people; anyone can experience loss of hair at a point in time. There can be various causes of baldness. Genetic factors, medical treatments, stress, hairstyles, hormonal changes, and aging are some of the common ones. However, no matter what the cause of your condition is, you can find effective alopecia treatment for men and women while consulting with your doctor.

Some of the effective treatment methods for hairlessness are as follows-

Scalp massage

Scalp massage is one of the effective ways to prevent hair loss. It improves the blood flow in the head and makes hair follicles stronger. You can use coconut oil for doing scalp massage. Moreover, you can also add essential oil to your carrier oil for the same purpose.

Avoid heat sources

Heat sources like straighteners, curlers, and dryers can damage your hair health. They make the hair follicles weak and cause them to fall.

Add supportive nutrients to your diet

Nutrients like vitamin A, C, D, E, zinc, iron, and protein are helpful for hair growth and health. If there is a lack of these nutrients in your diet, you may experience loss of hair. Therefore, eat foodstuffs, which are rich in these nutrients, to make your hair stronger.

Consult your doctor for alopecia remedy

Ask your doctor for effective hair loss treatment for men and women. However, finasteride and minoxidil are effective medications for baldness.


Finasteride is one of the well-working medications for alopecia. It is available as tablets and taken once a day. The medication interrupts the action of 5 alpha-reductase that converts testosterone into the dihydrotestosterone and causes male pattern baldness. Along with preventing falling of hairs, it also promotes the growth of new hairs.

Finasteride (Generic Propecia)


Minoxidil is another effective medication for hair loss. It is available as a spray and can be used twice a day. Although it does not work on existing alopecia, it excites the growth of hairs effectively.

Finasteride and minoxidil can be used together. In many cases, they have shown amazing results in alopecia treatment when applied together.

Try onion juice

Applying onion juice on the scalp can help in growing new hairs. Both men and women can go for this home remedy to get rid of hair loss.

In addition, you can also try an egg yolk mask on your hairs for sound results. Take your medications on time and try implementing these home remedies. You may probably get pleasing results. You can consult with your healthcare provider for more home remedies that can assist your treatment.

What causes your hair to fall out?

There can be various reasons for baldness. However, they may differ in men and women. Some of the common causes of hair loss are-

  • Physical or emotional stress
  • Treatments of arthritis, high blood pressure, depression, and cancer
  • Chemotherapy
  • Aging
  • Stress
  • Medical conditions like lupus and syphilis
  • Using birth control pills
  • Over-shampooing
  • Undergoing hormone replacement therapy
  • Thyroid problems
  • Hairstyles like a bun and tight ponytails
  • Family history
  • Using heat sources frequently

In addition to them, aging is one of the most common reasons for hair loss in men. Hormonal changes in women, like pregnancy, childbirth, or menopause, can cause alopecia. You should reach out to your doctor if you see the thinning of your hair. He or she may try to rule out the possible cause and prescribe effective alopecia treatment for men or women accordingly.

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