Hay Fever: Does everyone suffer from this allergic disease?

hay fever

Hay fever is a condition, which is caused by an allergic reaction to pollen. Another name for this condition is allergic rhinitis. When the pollen enters the body, it triggers the release of histamine. It causes symptoms that include Sneezing, Runny nose, Itchy eyes, and Sore throat, and others. Not everyone suffers from hay fever. Only around 20% of people in the UK are affected by the condition, according to some estimation. However, those who do suffer from it can find it very frustrating and debilitating. Look for well-working remedy if symptoms trouble you and do not go away.

What causes allergic rhinitis?

The cause of hay fever is not fully understood. However, experts believe it results due to a combination of genetic and environmental factors. If one of your parents suffers from such a condition, you are more likely to develop it. Moreover, if you live in an area where there is a lot of pollen, you are more likely to suffer from this allergy.

What are the symptoms of this disease?

The symptoms of allergic rhinitis are the same for everyone. However, they vary in severity from one person to another. The most commonly reported symptoms in hay fever include-

  • Sneezing
  • Itchy eyes
  • A runny nose
  • Sore throat
  • Tiredness
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Headaches

If these signs and symptoms trouble you, talk to your healthcare provider for hay fever treatment.

How is allergic rhinitis diagnosed?

Generally, doctors diagnose this condition by asking certain questions about your symptoms and carrying out a physical examination. Your GP may also carry out allergy tests. It can help identify the cause of your allergic reaction. However, it is not always easy to diagnose the allergy through these methods alone.

What are the diagnostic tests?

Two frequent methods of assessing whether hay fever is the cause of your symptoms are-

  • Skin prick test
  • Blood tests

Skin prick test
The skin prick test involves pricking your arm or back with between six and twenty different allergens. These may include pollen, dust mites, animal fur, house-dust mite droppings, feathers, and certain foods. If you are allergic to any of the substances that your doctor is testing, you will develop a raised red itchy lump (called a wheal) at the test site.

Blood tests

A blood test can assist in measuring the amount of IgE antibodies in your blood. These antibodies are produced by the body in response to allergens and cause the symptoms. These tests may assist your doctor in identifying the exact cause of your condition. Accordingly, he or she may begin with your hay fever remedy.

Who is at more risk of having allergic rhinitis?

This disease is most common in people between 20 and 40 years. However, it can take place in people of all age groups, including children. Other factors, which can increase your risk of having allergic rhinitis, are-

Having other allergies

One of the main risk factors, which contribute to allergic rhinitis, is having other allergies. If you have asthma, eczema, or another allergy, your chances of experiencing hay fever symptoms can accelerate.

Living in an area where pollen count is high

If you live in an area where there is a lot of pollen, you are more likely to develop such an allergy.

Lifestyle habits

Your lifestyle and occupation can also increase your risk of developing the condition. For example, if you are a farmer or work with animals, you are more likely to be exposed to pollen and other allergens.

What can help treat hay fever?

There are remedies for this allergic disease. However, several treatments can help reduce your symptoms. These treatments include-

  • Antihistamines
  • Corticosteroids
  • Immunotherapy
  • Anti-histamines

Antihistamines are medicines that block the effects of histamine. It reduces your symptoms and helps with your treatment. However, they vary in their duration of action, which means some remain active for longer than others.

There are many different types of antihistamines. These medicines can be taken in either tablet or nasal spray form. The most common type is called a sedating antihistamine. These types of antihistamine works by making you feel sleepy and relaxed. It is important to note that you should not use this drug for hay fever while driving or operating heavy machinery. In addition, there are also non-sedating antihistamines available that do not cause drowsiness. Doctors usually recommend them to people planning to drive or operate machinery.

Nasal decongestants

If you have a blocked nose, nasal decongestants can be helpful. They are available in a spray or pill form. This treatment reduces swelling and irritation in the nose and throat. It makes possible for you to breathe without problems.

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Corticosteroids are effective anti-inflammatory medicines. The types of corticosteroids available for hay fever include the following-

  • Tablets
  • Injections
  • Nasal spray

They work by reducing the swelling and irritation.

Doctors prescribe using these drugs for short periods for your treatment. They can cause many side effects. Therefore, if you do require corticosteroids for an extended period, your doctor will closely monitor you for any problems. Nevertheless, if you notice any negative aftermaths of these medicines, you should talk to your doctor immediately.


Immunotherapy is a treatment that involves being exposed to small amounts of the allergen that triggers your hay fever symptoms. Experts do the procedure in a controlled setting, such as a hospital or clinic. It aims to prevent the symptoms of your allergy from occurring once you’ve been exposed to the allergen.

There are two types of immunotherapy available for allergic rhinitis-

  • Sublingual immunotherapy
  • Injectable immunotherapy

Sublingual immunotherapy is a form of treatment that involves taking tablets that contain small amounts of the allergen.

Injectable immunotherapy is a form of treatment that involves receiving injections of the allergen.
Immunotherapy can take several months to be effective. Therefore, it is a long-term solution for hay fever. It is important to note that not everyone responds to immunotherapy. For this reason, it may not be suitable for you.

What can you do to prevent allergic rhinitis?

Unfortunately, there is currently no way of preventing allergic rhinitis. However, there are some things you can do to reduce your symptoms-

If you have this disease, then you are not alone. Around 1 in 5 people in the UK have experienced this condition. You can manage this condition with antihistamines, decongestants, and corticosteroids. However, if your symptoms are particularly severe, it may be necessary to see your doctor.

There are some things you can do to diminish your hay fever symptoms. These include-

Avoiding known triggers

You should take precautions to avoid activities, events, or environments, which you believe might trigger your allergic symptoms. For example, if there is a lot of pollen in the air over the summer months, you might want to consider spending more time indoors.

Carrying an inhaler or taking other asthma medications

If you have asthma, you may need to carry an inhaler at all times to help ease your symptoms. Even if you are using your treatment, taking an inhaler with you is essential if you have asthma.

Using nasal decongestants

If you have a blocked nose, nasal decongestants can lend you a hand to ease your condition. You can find them in the form of a spray or pill form. They work by reducing swelling and irritation that enables you to breathe more easily.

Other helpful measures are-

  • Put on wraparound sunglasses to guard your eyes from pollen
  • Shower and change your clothes after being outside to remove pollen from your skin and hair
  • Avoid walking on grass in the mornings, as this is when pollen levels are at their highest

If you work with animals, wear protective clothing to avoid contact with allergens
Vitamin C supplements may reduce your chances of getting hay fever. However, it is significant not to exceed the maximum daily dose.

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