What is Weight Loss? What are the benefits of a healthy weight?

weight loss

Weight loss becomes important if you are overweight. Obesity means having too much body fat. It is a common disease and usually happens over time when you eat more calories than you burn. Your body stores extra calories as fat. The extra pounds can lead to other health problems, like diabetes or heart disease. Nevertheless, there are always some ways to get over your issues, so are for overweight. Eating a supportive diet, doing regular exercises, and using a fat burner can manage your weight. Your weight is controlled by how much energy (food) you take in and use up. Food gives your body the energy it needs to work, play, and even grow. Moreover, your body uses calories for these things-

  • Keeping warm, like burning wood in a fire
  • Moving around, like running after a ball
  • Keep the lights, like burning in your house
  • Grow bones, muscles, skin, and hair
  • Provide energy to think, play with your dog or write a story

Some calories are left over after you do your work. These extra calories are stored as fat cells around your body for later use. If you do not burn up all the calories you take in, your body will save them to use later.

On what factors do calories depend?

The number of calories a person needs every day depends on many things, such as the following-

  • Age
  • Rate of metabolism

If people eat more calories than they need each day, their bodies may save some of these extra calories as fat. When you get hungry, you will eat more food. Over time, this additional fat can cause a person to become obese. However, you can look for supportive foods, regular exercises, and a fat burner for weight loss. 

What are the dangers of obesity?

Some people are overweight. Some of them do not know they are overweight. On the other hand, others think it is no big deal. There is a connection between obesity and certain types of cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, breathing problems like sleep apnoea. Moreover, obese people are prone to some forms of dementia.

Amidst all the diseases, which are the consequences of obesity, some people seem to forget that one of the biggest problems for overweight people is not only the health risks they face. However, it also affects their self-esteem.
No matter how alluring or attractive you are, if your body does not look like it does in pictures, you may feel down. Moreover, if you feel fat, you are not going to feel attractive.

When does weight loss become crucial?

This issue of obesity is even more serious among young people. A recent study shows that 2/3 of girls in high school and 1/2 of boys experience body dissatisfaction. It can lead to depression and eating disorders like bulimia and anorexia. This is not to mention the fact that we are talking about a population who has yet to enter their most active years. Therefore, getting over obesity is significant. There can be times when dieting and physical activities do not bring satisfactory results. You can try using a fat burner in such cases. However, consult with your GP before using the medication.

Why should a person lose weight?

Managing your body mass is always beneficial for people who are obese or overweight. It helps reduce their risk of developing conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. However, maintaining a healthy body mass is also noteworthy. Weight loss can help in the following ways-

  • Prevent some cancers, including endometrial, breast, and colon cancers
  • Ease the discomfort of arthritis
  • Diminish the threat of falls and fractures in older people

It is also crucial to maintain a healthy body mass throughout life. Being underweight is associated with health risks. In older people, being underweight can increase the risk of illness and even death.

How do you maintain a sound weight?

Keep your body mass within the sound range for your height by balancing how much you eat with how much exercise you do. Doing regular aerobic (exercise that gets your heart beating faster) and strength exercises (such as lifting weights) can help maintain a healthy weight. It can also assist in building up strong bones, muscles, and joints. However, be careful not to do too much. Overtraining can cause fatigue, injuries, and illness, which prevent you from exercising in the future.

What is Xenical?

It is a popular weight loss pill that has been around for more than 20 years now. Another name for this drug is Orlistat, and it was only available with a prescription. It was approved by the FDA in 1999 and launched under the name Xenical.


How does Orlistat work?

Orlistat is the only FDA-approved prescription medicine in a class of medications, called lipase inhibitors. They reduce fat absorption from food. When fat passes through your digestive system, it breaks down into tiny particles called fatty acid triglycerides. These fatty acid triglycerides are absorbed from the intestine into fat cells. Here, they are reassembled and stored as fat.
When you take this drug with food, it blocks a digestive enzyme called lipase from breaking down the fatty acids in your diet so that you absorb fewer calories. If your body absorbs less of these calories, you will lose weight.

Who should not use Xenical?

Do not use this medication if you have the following diseases-

  • Oesophagus problems
  • Stomach or intestine issues
  • Severe liver disease
  • Severe kidney disease
  • Active gallbladder disease
  • Malabsorption syndrome (such as celiac disease, cystic fibrosis, or inflammatory bowel disease)
  • Hemochromatosis (a genetic disorder of iron overload)
  • People who have had a life-threatening allergic reaction to any component of this medication. 

What should you tell your doctor before taking Xenical for weight loss?

Before taking this medication, tell your health care provider about all of your medical conditions, including the following-

  • If you have had any intestinal problems such as diverticulitis, an inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, kidney stones, or pancreatitis
  • You have hypertension heart problems
  • Expecting or breastfeeding women
  • All medications and supplements that you

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