What is acne? How can you get rid of this skin condition?


Acne is a common and chronic skin condition. It occurs when pores clog with dead skin cells and oil from the skin. It frequently appears on the face, neck, chest, or back. However, such skin diseases can appear anywhere on the body. It affects teens during puberty because of fluctuating hormones. However, adults can also get it. Look for well-working remedies for pimples if your symptoms are severe and don’t go away. There is no single cause of this condition. It takes place when oil and dead skin cells clog up hair follicles under the skin. Experts believe that several factors may contribute to this blockage, such as the following-

  • Excess oil production (known as sebum)
  • Bacteria that live in the skin follicles
  • Tiny hairs growing through the skin follicles

Doctors do not know all the reasons. However, most think acne is a combination of several things, including the following-

  • Skin shedding too quickly
  • Hormone changes cause the oil glands to make more oil

Can pimples take place due to bacterial infection?

A skin bacterium called Propionibacterium acnes may also result in pimples. It makes the oil more likely to be infected with zits-causing bacteria. Moreover, some people think diet may play a role in helping trigger such skin ailments. If you are troubled with the irritating symptoms, look for an effective remedy today!

How common are pimples in the UK?

In the UK, they are one of the most common skin conditions around. It is estimated that more than 80% of all people between 11 and 30 have at least a few breakouts. Among them, 20% to 40% of people may be affected badly enough to require treatment. In addition, some doctors think as many as 5-10% of adults suffer from moderate to severe pimples into their forties, fifties, or sixties.

What are the types of acne?

Many types of zits affect people differently, depending upon the severity. Some common forms include-


These are small, painless bumps under the surface of the skin.


Also called open comedones, these appear as dark patches on the surface of your skin. They are caused by excess keratin blocking an oil gland.

Closed comedones

These whiteheads appear when the top of a skin cell plugs the opening of an oil gland. The top of the plug is called a “nodule.”


These acne are small, red bumps on or under your skin surface.


Also known as “pimples,” these bumps contain pus.


These large, pus-filled bumps can cause pain and scarring.

Are there more types of pimples?

There are several and severe types of zits. However, you can always find well-working remedies for pimples with the consultation of your healthcare provider. Other types of such skin diseases are as follows-


It is a rare but severe form of acne, which causes large, deep cysts and nodules.

Gram-negative folliculitis

It is a form of pimple that is caused by a type of bacteria called gram-negative rods.

Acne fulminans

It causes fever, chest pain, and joint pain.
There are many different types of zits. All of these kinds have diverse symptoms. Therefore, talk to your doctor if you are not sure about the type of pimple you have. They may be able to recommend an effective treatment.

What increases the risk of pimples?

Zits are not just for teens! Anyone can get them, even babies. It happens when the hair follicles in your skin are clogged. The pores are connected to these hair follicles. They usually contain an oil gland that produces an oily substance called sebum. When sebum mixes with dead skin cells, it forms a thick paste. This paste can block the pores. It leads to bacterial growth. However, sometimes bacteria get deep into the skin. This can cause an infection and lead to acne.
Taking treatment on time can help prevent complications. However, many things can increase your risk of getting this kin disease. Some include-


If your parents had skin conditions like pimples, you are more likely to get them too.


Fluctuating hormones can trigger pimples.


Some studies suggest that food choices may affect how your skin looks. For instance, too much sugar or chocolate may make it worse. On the other hand, fruits and vegetables can help keep the skin looking good.

What is the best acne treatment?

There are many options to treat acne. However, for some people, they can be chronic. Most cases clear up by adulthood. Nevertheless, severe cases may continue into the 30s and beyond. There are many types of treatment for pimples, including-

Over-the-counter medications

There are many creams and face washes you can buy without a prescription. They can help unclog pores and reduce the number of zits-causing bacteria. Benzoyl peroxide is one of the most common ingredients in OTC treatments. It kills those bacteria. Moreover, it also reduces inflammation.

Prescription acne solutions

Your doctor may prescribe stronger creams or oral medications. They can unclog pores, kill bacteria and reduce inflammation.

Lifestyle changes

You can do some simple things to clear up your skin. Washing your face twice a day and avoiding oily or sugary foods can really help.

Comedone extraction

For blackheads or whiteheads, your doctor may extract them manually or with a tool called a comedone extractor.
Healing of acne often a process that requires patience. You may have to wait for a week or even a month to see effective results. However, most people can clear up their skin with the correct treatment. See your doctor’s opinion if symptoms do not improve. Moreover, share if you have a severe skin disease. They may be able to recommend an effective remedy for pimples. 

What adverse effects can pimples have?

Zits can cause emotional stress, called psychological distress. The emotional effects go beyond feeling embarrassed or uncomfortable with physical appearance. In addition, some studies suggest that severe cases of long-term treatment with antibiotics may increase some risks. Moreover, people may also develop small but permanent pits in their skin (pockmarks).

How can you prevent pimples?

Some people find that certain things make their acne worse. On the other hand, others find that doing certain things helps clear up their skin. Although using remedies is essential, prevention can put off the risk of complications.
Some tips to help prevent pimples include-

  • Cleaning your face twice a day with a gentle disinfectant
  • Avoiding oily or sugary foods
  • Using remedies with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide
  • Applying a thin layer of oil-free sunscreen over your medication
  • If you are wearing makeup, make sure to use all-natural makeup and wash it off before going to bed

Acne can seem like a never-ending nightmare. It affects more than just your appearance. It can also cause emotional stress. However, you do not need to worry. Many treatments available can help clear up your skin. Nevertheless, talk to your doctor about the most effective pimple solution.

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