Asthma attack: What are the warning symptoms? How can you tackle it?

asthma attack

An asthma attack can take place at any point in time if you have the disease. It is a lung sickness, which damages the airway. The bronchial tubes (airways) carry air in and out of your lungs. When you have such a disease, the interior walls of your airways become sensitive. Eventually, this sensitivity can lead to stiffness around the muscles of your bronchial tubes. These muscles can also cause swelling in the lining of your airways and induce them to make excessive mucus. Nevertheless, medications and Ventolin evohaler can help ease the symptoms.

What are the symptoms of asthma?

The signs and symptoms of this respiratory infection may vary from one person to another. However, the most common indications are-

  • Tightness in your chest
  • Wheezing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Coughing that becomes severe at night or early in the morning

There is no cure for this disease. Nevertheless, you can prevent future complications with medicines and other treatment methods.

When does an asthma attack occur?

There is no specific time when an attack takes place. You can develop it anytime or anywhere.
However, if your symptoms become worse repeatedly, your doctor may recommend a short course of steroids to manage your symptoms. They may also reduce the possibility of an attack. In some cases, you might need hospitalization.
Nevertheless, if your condition is critical, some measures can manage your symptoms. While providing you with healing procedures, your expert may share the steps to relieve your condition.

  • Instant measures

Avoid lying down. Instead, sit straight or stand up if possible when your symptoms become poor. Afterward, take around 10 puffs of your Ventolin evohaler after every 30 seconds to one minute.

  • Take your medications

When symptoms like chest tightness, shortness of breath, and coughing, become worse, an asthma attack may be on its way. Use your rescue medications and inhaler as immediately as possible in such a condition.

  • Hold up your courage

Keep yourself calm when the symptoms go out of your control. It can be complicated. However, losing your control may not wash away your problem. Take your medications and sit straight if possible. By doing this, your condition may improve.

  • Breathing exercises

Some breathing exercises can help relieve asthma symptoms. Few effective ones are belly breathing, The Papworth method, pursed-lip breathing, and the Buteyko method. Nevertheless, speak to your doctor about these breathing exercises, the way of doing them, and their importance. Never mind using your Ventolin evohaler if you feel uneasy while exercising.

  • Consider taking a steam bath

Warm air can relieve asthma symptoms. Therefore, you can take a bath with warm water. It can wipe out the mucus and ease your breathing.
However, warm water can worsen asthma symptoms in some people. For that reason, identify the category you fall in before trying this remedy.

  • Eradicate the exposure of trigger

If you develop an asthma attack due to exposure to any trigger, remove that thing from your surrounding as quickly as possible.

Home treatments

  • Coffee

Caffeine is a weak bronchodilator. If you feel like developing an attack, drink a cup of coffee. It will relieve the inflammation and improve other symptoms, such as coughing and whistling sounds.

  • Ginger and garlic

Both these kitchen-mates have anti-inflammatory traits. They can help alleviate the symptoms of this respiratory infection. You can use ginger or garlic cloves with boiled water for the same purpose. Moreover, you can also put ginger into your tea.

Look for medical help

If your condition does not get better even after using the Ventolin evohaler (rescue inhaler) or medications, try to find instant medical help. Call out to your expert or visit a hospital.

What are the successful treatments for this disease?

Doctors may recommend solutions after diagnosing your condition and considering your severity. In general, medications and certain types of puffers can assist in dealing with an asthma attack. However, some of the effective medicines are-

  • Steroids

These medications decrease irritation in the lungs and are very efficient at managing the symptoms. Doctors prescribe using steroid tablets regularly to control symptoms. However, if your doctor believes that these tablets are not appropriate for long-term use, they may recommend another kind of steroid called an inhaled corticosteroid. This medicine makes you inhale with the help of a nebulizer or related machine.

  • Relievers

Inhalers having bronchodilators such as salbutamol unblock the airways. Ventolin evohaler is one of the sprays with salbutamol, which can help ease off your condition. The leukotriene receptor antagonist impedes the shrinking of the bronchial tubes caused by chemicals released on swelling. However, taking combinations of pumps containing corticosteroids and leukotriene receptor antagonists or using one of these drugs along with an inhaled corticosteroid can help bring more effective results.

Ventolin Evohaler Asthma Inhaler 100mcg (200 dose)

  • Preventer medications

These medicines reduce irritation. Moreover, rescue medications also help to manage your symptoms. They include inhaled corticosteroids and leukotriene receptors. In addition to managing your condition, preventer medications also prevent an asthma attack. Puffers containing corticosteroids and leukotriene receptor antagonists are well-known preventive medications.

  • Inhaled corticosteroids

These drugs work in the same way steroids do. Inhaled corticosteroids relieve inflammation in your lungs by preventing cells from secreting chemicals that tighten or shrink the airways. Sometimes, your expert may advise both a spray containing bronchodilators (to use when during attacks) and an inhaled corticosteroid to manage your overall disease.

When using the inhaler, avoid taking in the oxygen at the same time as you press it down. This action can prevent some of the medicine from getting into your lungs. As a substitute, try holding your breath for a second after you have breathed in, and then use your asthma inhalers.

Can antihistamines work in the case of asthma?

Your doctor may advise using an antihistamine if any irritant triggers an asthma attack. An anti-inflammatory drug can lend a hand in controlling symptoms while you wait for other medications to come into action. Nevertheless, do not go for aspirin because it can make the inflammation even poor.
Your doctor may recommend other steroid medicines such as nasal sprays for people who do not find steroid tablets appropriate or children who cannot use the puffer.

Is it possible to prevent lung diseases like asthma?

There is no cure for asthma. Nevertheless, suitable treatment can help manage your condition. These options may include inhalers and other medications such as steroids.
The following things can help-

  • Eat a supportive diet
  • Avoid the exposure of triggers and allergies
  • Get vaccinated for flu
  • Take your medications on time
  • Avoid doing heavy exercises
  • Use Ventolin evohaler whenever needed

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