What is the best male pattern baldness cure? Get treated today!


Alopecia is a frequent hair condition that causes loss of hair. Various causes can be responsible for the same. Anyone can have this problem. Nevertheless, men are more prone to face hairlessness, especially in their late 30s. You can consult your doctor for an effective baldness cure. In addition, reaching out to a pharmacy can also help.

Causes of hair loss

A range of factors can result in causing thinning of hair. It turns into alopecia with time. Nevertheless, you should know that most types of conditions can be treated with effective remedies, including medications, hair systems, surgery, injections, laser therapy, and counselling.


Physical or mental stress in your life can affect the health of your tresses. It can make your hair follicles go into a dormant stage. Consequently, they grow weak, and your hairs begin to fall.

Hairstyles and heat sources

Making tight and sturdy hairstyles can cause thinning of hairs. Ponytails, braids, and buns make your hair follicles weak and cause them to fall. Using heat sources such as straighteners, curlers, and dryers frequently can result in the problem.

Hormonal changes

Fluctuations in hormones can cause hair fall. It is more common in women during pregnancy, childbirth, gestation period, and menopause. Additionally, men and women with thyroid dysfunction usually, overactive thyroid, can also experience hairlessness. Your doctor may prescribe a well-working baldness cure that does not harm your health in such cases.

Family history

A hair loss condition called male pattern baldness (MPB) results due to dihydrotestosterone. This causes thinning of tresses and eventually to hairlessness. The other name for this condition is androgenic alopecia. Both men and women can have this condition, as it can pass on from generation to generation. 

Health problems and some medications

Conditions such as thyroid dysfunction, lupus, and syphilis can lead to hairlessness. In addition, medicines used for arthritis, depression, hypertension, and cancer can also show hairlessness as one of their side effects.

Contact your doctor for a baldness cure if you have these medical conditions. He or she may help manage your disease along with preventing the condition.

Tips to identify that you need hair loss treatment

There is a minor difference between hair fall and hair loss.

Everyone experiences hair fall. Around 50-100 hairs fall every day, and it is common. However, when new tresses do not grow in place of the fallen ones and your experience that your scalp is getting empty with every passing day, this may indicate you have alopecia. In such a case, talk to your doctor for effective solutions. 

If you experience an unexpected and sudden loss of hair, remember your symptoms and tell them to your doctor. Nevertheless, the following are some of the frequent symptoms of hairlessness-

  • Falling off hair in large quantity
  • Loss of tresses from all body parts
  • Thinning of hairs
  • Bald spots

Best baldness cures

Multiple treatment methods can help get rid of your problem. The selection of the most suitable remedy depends upon the cause of your condition and your personal preferences. Nevertheless, the frequent and most effective remedies are-


It is one of the most effective solutions for alopecia. You can find this medication in the form of a pill. Moreover, experts prescribe using it once a day. Finasteride holds back the male hormone dihydrotestosterone from reaching the hair follicles. This hormone usually leads to hair loss. However, this medication helps decelerate and eradicate male pattern baldness.

Finasteride (Generic Propecia)

Seek the consultation of your doctor or reach out to a pharmacy before using this baldness cure. Finasteride may not be appropriate for everyone. Furthermore, it can also cause some negative aftermaths.


It is another effective treatment for thinning of hairs. You can find it in the form of foam, liquid, or gel. Moreover, doctors prescribe using it directly to the scalp. You can apply it twice a day for successful results.


These medications can help with your condition if it is an outcome of a bacterial infection. Usually, seborrheic dermatitis is caused by bacterial infection. If you have them, your scalp may become itchy and seem red.


This medication usually treats high blood pressure. It can also assist the hair follicles in retaining water. Therefore, it can help stop the loss of hair in people. Spironolactone may not be appropriate for everyone. For that reason, ask your doctor before using it. The medicine is available in the form of a tablet or pill.

Corticosteroid injections

These injections are directly injected into the infected area. Corticosteroid injections usually have steroids, which relieve inflammation. As a result, they hinder or put a stop to hairlessness.

Psychological treatment

This baldness cure may work if stress is the cause of your condition. Psychiatrists or counsellors can help you get over the anxiety. Consequently, it can lend you a hand in getting rid of alopecia.

Hair systems

These arrangements can help your tresses look better. Hair systems do not treat hairlessness, but wigs or other similar things are fixed into the scalp through adhesives, glue, or other techniques. These can improve the appearance of your scalp and even your entire look.

Laser therapy

Under this technique, experts direct a kind of light into the scalp. It is called laser light. This therapy excites the growth of new hairs. Moreover, it can also help people who do not prefer surgery or to use medications for long. Two types of laser therapies are available for alopecia treatment. These are-

  • Low-level laser caps
  • Low-level light therapy
Hair transplants

Experts consider this arrangement as the last option for a baldness cure. Hair transplant deals with removing tiny pieces of skin with hair follicles. Furthermore, they are fixed to the bald or affected area of the scalp.

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