Which type of oral contraceptives should I go for?

Birth control pills are an effective way to prevent pregnancy.Because they are tiny medications that are taken by mouth. These pills are also called oral contraceptives. However, there are numerous other ways of birth control. You can consult with your doctor about those methods. Nevertheless, the choice may rely upon the personal preference of couples, because of their health conditions, and the doctor’s suggestion. It is advisable to know the potential benefits and risk factors of the contraceptive pills. 

What are the types of birth control medications? 

There are two types of tablets that can help prevent pregnancy. They may include combination pills and progestin-only pills. Let’s discuss them in brief. 

  • Combination pills

They are one of the most effective contraceptive methods. These pills comprise unnatural forms of estrogen and progestin, which hinder the process of ovulation. Moreover, they also thicken the cervical mucus, which prevents the sperm to get into the uterus and meet the eggs.

Shop for combination pills-

Gedarel 20/150 Contraceptive pills

  • Progestin-only pill

These pills contain only progestin. Minipill is another name for the progestin-only pill. They prevent you from ovulating. Moreover, they narrow the endometrium and make the cervical mucus grow thick. This action prevents the fertilized egg to get embedded in the line of the uterus. 

Shop for Minipill-

Cerazette Contraceptive Pill

Oral contraceptives are available in different formats. Therefore, you should consult with your doctor for a suitable dosage. You can also seek an online doctor consultation for the same purpose.

What are the benefits of birth control medications? 

You should consult with your doctor for the potential benefits of the medications. Nevertheless, these pills serve the following benefits-

What are the risks of using contraceptive pills

One of the serious risks of using oral contraceptives can be the elevated possibility of blood clots, which can result in-

It is significant to know that not every woman using these pills will experience the condition. However, if you have the following condition, you are likely to suffer from the pre-mentioned risks. 

In addition, consult with your doctor if you have any of these things. He or she may help reduce the risk.  


You can seek online doctor consultation for birth control pills. Visit the Daily Chemist web page for any queries. Moreover, you can also request medical guidance from experts.


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