Tag Archives: drinking

Adolescents’ health issues

Adolescents Near about 1.2 billion people in the world fall under the age group of adolescents. It means they are between the ages of 10-19 years. Most of them are healthy. However, many of them suffer from preterm death, injury, and health issues. Health disorders may hold back their aptitude to grow to their complete […]

What is Constipation, anyone can be affected by Constipation?

Constipation is common and can affect anyone. It’s when you pass hard, dry stools less frequently than your normal passing of bowel movements. It is also associated with symptoms of straining or having pain when you pass stools and abdominal discomfort, bloating and nausea.   There can be varying reasons for someone to be constipated, […]

What is Insomnia…signs, and treatment for tackling it!

Insomnia the inability to obtain sufficient sleep; difficulty in falling or staying asleep; sleeplessness “It is estimated that 1 in 3 of us will suffer from insomnia at some point in our lives”   Signs and symptoms Finding it hard to fall asleep Lying awake at night Waking up several times during the night Waking up […]

What is Sleep Hygiene! Getting into a healthy sleep pattern…

Sleep hygiene refers to various practices and habits that enable you to have the best nights sleep. Practising good sleep hygiene is crucial for both your physical and mental health. Too little, or even too much sleep, as well as various factors surrounding your daily routine, can have a huge impact on your general quality […]

What is a Migraine Problem? Top 5 Hacks for Cure of Migraine?

Migraine has become a very common illness among the people in today’s busy world. Migraine is sometimes a result of a medical problem and sometimes a consequence of stress, late-night work, and over-thinking.                            There are several medications for Migraine Problem. People use them for improving their situation. However, taking medications for a very long […]

6 Most Effective Ways to Get Rid of Acid Reflux

A large no of people falls prey to Acid Reflux. Acid reflux causes problems like heartburn, feeling of nausea, and sometimes bloating.                          Medications like lansoprazole are the most recurrent and effective treatment of acid reflux. 20mg of the medicine is supposed as standard dosage for treating acid reflux and is available at the medical […]

Lifestyle for Clear Bowel Movements and Avoiding IBS

Clear Bowel in your daily routine, everyday work, health position, age, gender and every action affects the frequency of bowel movements you have in a particular day. Although there is no standard number for bowel actions, it is unusual and probably hazardous to go three or fewer times a week. At times, constipation results in […]

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment and More

Fetal alcohol syndrome is a situation in a child that results because of alcohol consumption during the mother’s pregnancy. Alcohol syndrome can cause brain damage and affect the growth of the child. Complications that occur because of fetal alcohol syndrome differ from child to child. However, the deformities caused by Fetal alcohol syndrome are irreversible. […]

Trapped wind: Symptoms, Causes, Abdomen pain, Remedy

Trapped wind is a very basic condition, which causes ache and uneasiness in the region of the digestive system. It is generally because of a constructed stress in your abdomen or stomach. You can experience pain in different parts of your digestive system indicating diverse symptoms. The symptoms can contain flatulence, burping, or swollen abdomen. […]

How much water should I drink?

Often your are advised that you should aim for a certain amount of water a day! Well there hasn’t been any scientific study to prove any such amount that you should adhere to. Ever person is unique and they have a unique requirement for daily water intake. Our bodies regulate how much water our body […]

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