What is Acid Reflux Condition and when does it happen?

Acid reflux is a condition that causes heartburn and sore throat as its symptoms. A person develops the condition when the stomach acid leaves the lower esophagus sphincter (LES) and reaches the food pipe.

There can be other symptoms of acid reflux other than heartburn and sore throat. Nevertheless, effective medicines for acid reflux can help in your treatment. You can consult with your doctor for the same purpose. He or she may diagnose your condition and prescribe suitable medicine to address your problem. 

What are the causes of acid reflux? 

There are certain foods, habits, and even lifestyles that can result in causing acid reflux. Some of them are as follows-

  • Taking heavy meals 
  • Smoking
  • Obesity
  • Taking snacks at bedtime
  • Spicy foods and others like onions, mint, tomato, garlic
  • Drinks like alcohol, tea, carbonated beverages, or coffee 
  • Medication for blood pressure or muscle relaxation

Avoiding these foods, leaving habits, and abandoning these lifestyles can help prevent the condition. However, you can ask your doctor for more triggers that can elicit the symptoms of acid reflux. Once you know them, avoid them to prevent the condition.

What are the possible treatments for acid reflux? 

Omeprazole is one of the best medicines for acid reflux. It belongs to the drug class of Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI). The medication works by influencing the stomach to produce less acid. Moreover, it also deals with the following health conditions-

You can consult with your doctor before taking the medication. He or she may tell you a suitable dosage for the concerning health problem. The following set of lifestyle shifts can help you in the same purpose-

In addition to taking the prescribed medicines for acid reflux, you should work to prevent the symptoms. For more information, consult with your doctor. 

You can seek an online doctor consultation for acid reflux. Visit the Daily Chemist web page for any queries. Moreover, you can also request medical guidance from experts. 

Some of our acid reflux treatments are-

Lansoprazole 15mg

Omeprazole 40mg

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