What are some current treatment options for migraine?


Migraine is a neurological disease. It is chronic and has the potential to last your entire life, even if you seek treatment. Moreover, this disease is also associated with other health risks such as stroke and heart attack. The word migraine comes from the Greek word hemicrania, meaning “half the head.” It is the reason […]

What are common measures for curing diseases like malaria?


Malaria can result because of a mosquito-borne parasite named Plasmodium. It destroys red blood cells in the body, which leads to anaemia because healthy red blood cells are the primary carrier of oxygen around our bodies. Above all, timely treatment is crucial to avoid complications. The parasites transmit from human to human via mosquitoes infected […]

What is the safest form of weight loss surgery?

weight loss

Weight loss surgery is a method to cut off extra body mass. However, there are other ways to get rid of obesity. Diet and exercises are the natural means that can help manage your body mass. In addition, weight loss drugs like Xenical Orlistat 120mg are other helpful approaches to get rid of obese states. […]

What is the main cause of acid reflux? What remedies can help?

acid reflux

Acid reflux is a common condition among people. It is a reflux disease, which takes place when the stomach acid reaches the oesophagus. This causes symptoms like heartburn and sore throat. However, there are other symptoms as well. Nausea, regurgitation, bloody vomit, dry cough, and unexplained weight loss are some of them. In addition, a […]

Constipation: When should you reach out to a doctor? 


Constipation is a common problem. However, it can turn serious in the absence of proper treatment. For the same reason, here are some symptoms that may indicate you need immediate medical care. These are severe pain while passing the bowel movements, symptoms of outlet dysfunction constipation, if you suddenly have defecation, unintentional weight loss, prolonged […]

Hair loss: What are the best ways to avoid falling of hairs?

hair loss

Hair loss (alopecia) is a condition in which new hairs do not grow in the place of fallen ones. Men, women, children, and old people; anyone can experience loss of hair at a point in time. There can be various causes of baldness. Genetic factors, medical treatments, stress, hairstyles, hormonal changes, and aging are some […]

Hay Fever: Does everyone suffer from this allergic disease?

hay fever

Hay fever is a condition, which is caused by an allergic reaction to pollen. Another name for this condition is allergic rhinitis. When the pollen enters the body, it triggers the release of histamine. It causes symptoms that include Sneezing, Runny nose, Itchy eyes, and Sore throat, and others. Not everyone suffers from hay fever. […]

Can Champix cause psychedelic dreams? Are they harmful?


Champix or Chantix is a well-familiar quit smoking treatment in the United Kingdom. The active ingredient, varenicline tartrate, is thought to work by binding to nicotine receptors in the brain, which aids withdrawal symptoms and reduces cravings. The medication can result in depression, psychosis, and self-harm among people taking or withdrawing from it. However, no […]

How can one get rid of acne as quickly as possible?


Acne is a skin disease.  Tiny holes are present in the human skin called pores. At times bacteria, dirt, oil, and dead skin cells block them. When the pores get clogged pimple takes place. You can also call it a ‘zit’. A skin condition called acne occurs when clogging takes place very often or repeatedly. […]

Erectile dysfunction: What is the best over the counter ED pill?

erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is a sexual problem in men. In such a condition, men cannot attain or maintain penis firmness during sex. Some men get an erection but lose it within a few minutes; sustaining it becomes difficult. Some men cannot get an erection at all. Getting an erection and losing it after some minutes is […]

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