Tag Archives: Stomach

Weight loss : How to lose belly fat? What medications can help?

lose belly fat

Xenical is a well-working pill to lose belly fat. It works by blocking the absorption of fatty foods from the intestines. Moreover, the medication contains Orlistat, which belongs to a group of drugs called lipase inhibitors. It is only accessible with a doctor’s direction. In addition, you should use it under regular medical supervision only. […]

Heartburn: How can you get rid of it? Is there any cure?


Heartburn is a symptom experienced when stomach acid makes its way up the oesophagus. The backing up of stomach acid into the food pipe causes acid reflux or GERD. These conditions can become life-threatening in the absence of proper treatment procedures. However, its symptoms may include a burning sensation in your chest, sour taste in […]

Quit smoking treatment: What is the best product to use?

quit smoking treatment

Tobacco smoke contains more than 7000 chemicals. Among them hundreds are toxic. Moreover, at least 70 cause cancer. The most harmful components of cigarette smoke include tar. In addition, it also comprises nicotine (the addictive drug), and carbon monoxide. It diminishes oxygen in the blood. Nevertheless, consult your doctor about a quit smoking treatment. Smoking […]

Migraine symptoms: What medicines can relieve the condition?


Migraine is a common headache disease. It affects around 15% of men and 30% of women around the globe. Moreover, about 80% of the cases have a warning symptom. These symptoms are known as “aura” or “warning signs”. Symptoms can include visual disturbance, sensory aura, and motor aura. Nevertheless, if you experience an aura talk […]

Acid reflux: What are the causes? How can you relieve the condition?

acid reflux

Acid reflux is a medical condition involving stomach acids flowing back into the oesophagus. The acid moves up (refluxes) when your lower oesophageal sphincter (LES), the muscle at the bottom of your food pipe, relaxes at the wrong time. Usually, this muscle acts like a one-way valve. It allows food to pass into the stomach, […]

What are migraine symptoms? How severe can they be?

migraine symptoms

Migraine symptoms can be common but irritating. It is a neurological condition that typically begins in the teenage and twenties. However, the disease can also occur as early as childhood or as late as after 50 years of age. It causes recurrent attacks with throbbing pain. Moreover, it frequently occurs on one side of the […]

Acid reflux: What is it? How do you relieve heartburn?

acid reflux

Acid reflux is a condition where acid from the stomach flows up into your oesophagus. It can cause a burning sensation in the chest, rising to the throat. Moreover, it sometimes accompanies a sour taste. Another term for this health problem is Gastroesophageal reflux disease. Most cases appear to be caused by a malfunctioning lower […]

What is Weight Loss? What are the benefits of a healthy weight?

weight loss

Weight loss becomes important if you are overweight. Obesity means having too much body fat. It is a common disease and usually happens over time when you eat more calories than you burn. Your body stores extra calories as fat. The extra pounds can lead to other health problems, like diabetes or heart disease. Nevertheless, […]

What are the most effective cold and flu remedies?

When you catch a cold or flu, it means that your immunity is weakened to the point where you are vulnerable to illness. Viruses like influenza or adenovirus cause most of these diseases. Moreover, bacteria like strep throat (streptococcal infection) can also cause some of these illnesses. If you experience having an infection, look for […]

Acid Reflux? Lansoprazole Can Help To Relieve

Acid reflux is a common condition that causes symptoms like heartburn and sore throat. It results when the acid in the stomach reaches the food pipe. However, the lower esophagus sphincter (LES) is the coating layer of the stomach, which prevents the stomach acid from leaving the cavity. In some cases, this acid happens to […]

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